UC waitlist odds the past three years (SF Chronicle)

There was an article recently in the press about the odds of getting off a UC waitlist that may be of interest.

UC Berkeley accepted only 1% of students off the 2022 waitlist: 48 of the 4,650 students who opted in. UCLA’s rate was nearly as low, with 3.3% of waitlist applicants accepted, though the actual numbers were higher: 372 of 11,169 students who opted in. UC San Diego accepted 6.7% of waitlist applicants — 2,401 of 36,137 opt-ins.
Other campuses had higher percentages of waitlisted students admitted: UC Santa Cruz accepted 13%, UC Davis accepted 19%, UC Santa Barbara accepted 27%, and UC Riverside accepted 40%.

article (including a chart for all UCs 2020-22) is at UC admissions: What are the odds of getting off the wait list at UCLA, Berkeley and every campus?

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The large variations by year suggest that yield prediction can miss significantly and differently from the previous year.

I can’t read the paywalled article. Variations in waitlist usage are typical from year to year and college to college, but 2020 data are especially problematic due to a fairly dramatic covid impact that year. 2021 still had some covid impact, but overall to a lesser extent.