Hey all! I made the decision to apply to a few schools in the UK. So far the application process is going great. I just have one question about the PS. In the PS you’re supposed to include a reason why you want to study a course. The thing is I chose three different courses: Politics, International Relations, and History and French. I don’t know how to write about all three choices. Should I keep it more general without naming the course?
This is the core challenge of the PS! But even from here I can see ways to thread that needle with those courses.
Remember that the PS is where you demonstrate a good understanding of, interest in and aptitude for the subject(s) you are applying to study. You link in reading and other subject-related activities that you have been involved with how your interest in the subject has developed and grown.
Just to keep it interesting, when applying to joint subjects, tutors from both departments want you to like their side just a tiny bit more than they other side
You shouldn’t be applying to different courses because you only get ONE personal statement and it needs to be tailored to the course you’re applying for.
Now you’re going to need to do some linguistic acrobatics because you need to make it relevant to all of your courses. Do not make it general.
That’s hard; you’ve got to narrow down. It’ll be extremely difficult to convince any of your schools that you’re passionate about your subject if your PS is all over the place.
In that case that you’re going to stick with those subjects, I would say spend a paragraph on each subject and remember to tie it all in with each other and how one influences the other.
Best of luck