UCB CS vs UCSD CSE for Getting into Grad School


I was admitted to UC Berkeley L&S as a prospective CS major (obviously I will need to apply to that major after my three pre-reqs), and UCSD for CSE. My goal, looking ahead, is to get into a decent grad school in an EECS related field.

Would it be possible to get into a MEng program with the BA I’d get at Berkeley? If I was at Berkeley how available would EE courses be? I know that I could minor in EECS (even though as a CS major it’s discouraged) and take some EE classes, but are classes those so impacted that I shouldn’t rely on that? Would the additional prestige from Berkeley help me, or are both colleges seen fairly equally in the grad admissions process? I’ve heard a lot that it’s not about the college, but rather what you do at the college. How true is that? Finally, I’ve looked into research opportunity at each school and it seems they both have undergraduate research spots that are fairly easy to get. How true is that? As a prospective grad school student, a lack of research opportunity would be a deal breaker for sure.

Thanks for your time!