<p>Anyone who got into these majors mind posting your GPA EC... all those stuff?
Because I am applying next quarter :)</p>
<p>yeah im looking into this major too</p>
<p>quite easy to get in with GPA around 3.7…I wish i have applied for those major as i am reject with 3.9 gpa majoring in econ. I feel i am so unlucky.</p>
<p>but does the major have great prospects? I mean environmental economics and policies…is it similar to econ?</p>
<p>i looked up the prospects and the median salary of envio econ (UCB) vs econ (UCB) is about $13,000 less/yr (envio econ makes that much less than econ) and the employed percentage for envio econ is 65% as opposed to econ which is 70%…they differ in that envio is geared towards designing policy for the environment through an economic standpoint, whilst reg econ will lead u toward the same jobs as business admin would, (i noticed most of the ppl who were econ majors became some type of financial analyst). The PEIS is usually for students who want to take the law school pathway or some kind of interntaional economic type sorta thing…i got all this info from the rep at my school</p>
<p>oh and the PEIS only makes about $3,000 less than reg econ majors, but their employment percentage is only 48% (those that didnt go to law school)</p>
<p>still, i feel like environmental economics has great future due to the fact that global warming and pollution is becoming a bigger and bigger issue.</p>
<p>that is very true!! but i would think environmental engineering would prolly be best off becuz of global warming and pollution…cuz envio econ and policy would be to stop it, but unfortunately its already started (the pollution i mean) so now we need someone to fix it (envio engineers/green technology). but apply to a major ur actually passionate about, then sure u many be making a little less than a fellow peer, but ull be happy :D</p>
<p>I was a PEIS major… but am switching to EEP. One of the biggest differences is the amount of math you will have to do in EEP… far more than what is required for PEIS, while PEIS will require more reading on average. With the PEIS major you will have to complete a 2nd year of foreign language. If you are struggling with the decision you can always major in PEIS and minor in EEP;). Good luck with the decision!</p>
<p>i may major in EEP, i was told that UCBs EEP is very calculus and microeconomics based, plus it about environmental science, all things i like and am very good at. PEIS, im not too interested in i never liked foreign language (unless i can somehow get out of foreign language)</p>
<p>Thank you for those great information! I already completed all the requirement lol. I guess thats a good thing. I just want to know which major is better off</p>
<p>Better off is subjective… do what you want to do. If you are interested in environmental/development issues and want to do more quantitative work, go the EEP route. If you are interested in more of an “international relations - economics light” curriculum, go the PEIS (Political Economy next year) route. I will tell you, the 2 core PEIS courses will make you read more than you have ever read before, but are very interesting.</p>