****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****

I got it but it was literally just a happy new year email w some guys quote. I don’t think it means anything

oh, ok! thank you everyone

Got it. Good luck to all!

hey y’all my name’s ariana and i’m a freshman at berkeley in GMP (global management program)! if you have any questions about GMP, campus culture, clubs, etc. please feel free to hmu on instagram: arxana.cx

@ucb2023a @notoriousMSG were there any signs of acceptances before decisions came out your year? Like the email paragraph we’re looking into

any chance decisions come out before the 26th?

I got this same email, but it didn’t have this paragraph…

Did anyone else not have the “should you be admitted paragraph?” My daughter read it to me just now and she does have it…

I didn’t have the “should you be admitted” paragraph… Not sure what that entails

@CompGuy123 what is your major?

After having gone through 2 sons’ college process, I don’t think that there are hidden Easter eggs in these notes. There have been speculations about receiving marketing emails meaning something, inconsistent emails, getting invited to apply for alumni scholarships, etc. While there may be coincidences, don’t get your hopes up based on these conspiracy theories. Also, I work with these institutions with the software behind this process and they are barely techinical enough to get these letters out let alone concoct schemes to drop hints about your admittance status.

Good luck to you all. While a named school like UCB might get you in the door somewhere a little easier than a non ‘prestigious’ school, you define your destiny. When I evaluate new college grads to hire, I look at what they did while they were in school. Projects, internships and any work experience will give you a leg up over anyone that just went to a prestigious school and didn’t do the same.

@collegefresh7364 When did you get the email??

@TheCollegeDad , thank your for your input and advice.

I am trying to figure out UCLA versus UCB for Life Science or Economics. Any thoughts?

@amogh97 I got the email February 16

@CompGuy123 I don’t think this really entails anything, many people are saying that this email with that specific paragraph applied was sent to applicants to the College of Letters and Science

any OOS student (or parent like me) pile up anxiety as UCB & USC will release decision on same date?

@YNWA007 I’m OOS student anxiously waiting for UCB results on 3/26

I applied L&S and got it so did anyone not get that applied to L&S?

Got the same paragraph. DS applied to L&S