****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****


are you sure? their admissions twitter says

"@UCBerkeley’s two main school colors are Berkeley Blue and California Gold! What’s your preference? You’ve got two days to pick and two days to find if you’re in!

Freshmen decisions will be released on 3/26 before 11:59 p.m. PST."

That^ was posted 7h ago

According to an article in the San Jose Mercury News, CA Governor Gavin Newsom is in discussions with UC to house corona virus patients in UC dorms. What impact will this have on admissions, waitlists, yield?

Either Berkeley’s twitter feed is wrong or mom is mistaken. Good luck!

Can someone estimate my chances with these stats

Major: stats
Gpa weighed: 3.95; was very low because I took the max number of app’s at my school and got several B’s
Unweighed: 3.25
Sat: 1290

Waitlist: UCSC calpolyslo
Accepted: SJSU

Was asked for two letters of recommendations


Can someone estimate my chances with these stats too:

Major: CS (Letters and Science)
Weighted GPA: 4.16
Unweighted GPA: 3.81
Act: 33 (36, 36, 30, 31)
SAT 2s: Math-800, Physics-800
APs: Calc BC - 5, Lang and Comp - 5, Comp Sci A - 5, Environ Sci - 5, Chinese - 5

Majors applied to: CS

Accepted: Purdue, Texas AM, UIUC (EE - 2nd choice), UWisc Madison, UCSC, SJSU, CP Pomona
Rejected: Georgia Tech, UT Austin, Boston U, UCLA

Good amount of leadership and ECs and pretty good essays cuz I got specialized college counselors to edit (I’m hoping), I’m taking 3 APs this year: Econ, Physics C:mech, and Stats
Also I have sort of an upward grade trend. I had decent grades then straight As starting junior year on where I took more rigorous classes.

Your stats and profile looks good and should be able to get you in. My stats are as follows:

ACT 35, SAT Math II 800, Biology M 790
UW GPA 3.95, W GPA 4.45
Lots of APs 5s, Lots of ECs including 3 season varsity sports, club presidents, lots of external awards
Rejected - None
Admitted - Georgetown, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, WashU, BC
Wait Listed - Swarthmore
Waiting to hear - UCB, Yale, Vanderbilt, Dartmouth

Good luck to all!

Be honest, I’ll predict similar UCB decision as UCLA (But hopefully happy surprise) as they are on same level I guess

my son, OOS Asian, UWGPA 3.8, SAT 1550, 10 AP (5 Jr 5 Sr yr)

Major: Econ

accepted: UIUC, UCD, UCSB, UCSD
waitlist: BU, UCLA
waiting: USC, NYU, UCB

Wishing you all the best!

Not to familiar with how Californian schools work but I got waitlisted at UCLA… knowing that do I have a chance at Cal? I am a French major too if that helps or hurts or whatever.

I am an international student and I heard rumors that due to current situation of COVID 19 and due to the fact international students can’t get VISA, unis won’t be likely to select international students or at least it will affect their decision. I hope this is not true.

Hey guys! UCB is coming out tomorrow and I was wondering what my chances are if I got an 1180 on my SAT (not so well) and have a 4.1W GPA but my extracurriculars are really good??

Does anyone know what time UCB comes out tomorrow?

@yyu2002 , You have a better chance than me.

SAT: 1460; Math II 790, Physics 750; Essay 20
GPA: UW 3.8; W 4.5; UC 4.1
10 honors
17 AP’s (4’s and 5’s)
4 IB’s, computer science and math
College and High school courses during summer to allow for more AP classes.

EC’s. Marching Band/Adv. Band 4 years, 3 years as sectional leader.
Math tutoring after school every week
Vice President National Honor Society.
Academic Decathlon (3 years), Superquiz (2nd place) numerous medals including top 10 overall scholarship, invited to state.
Computer Science Internship teaching coding
About 50 hours community service

Accepted for CS: UCM, UCR (Honors) UCSC
Wait listed for CS: UCSD
Denied for CS: UCSB, UCI, UCLA, Harvey Mudd, MIT
Waiting for CS: UCB, Harvard

@nwolter So many talented students were waitlisted at UCLA that I would think you’d still have a chance.

I think it is usually harder to get into UCLA given the rankings and the larger pool of applicants. Obviously, there are still exceptions in every case, and it depends on the major.

In my experience, I know people who got into Berkeley and rejected from UCLA, but I don’t know anyone who got into UCLA and rejected from Berkeley. I also have a friend at Berkeley who told me if I get into UCLA, he is pretty sure I’ll be admitted to Berkeley as well.

Anyways, that’s just my thinking. Best of luck everyone!

@Messisterial10 UCB decision comes out 3 PM EDT

UCB and USC are my final hope. I kinda screwed myself by applying for EECS (didn’t realize the acceptance rate for the major was like 5% until later), but hopefully it comes through or at the very least I get waitlisted. UCSD is my top choice right now, and it’s a great school, but I’m hoping that these two schools come through ?

I applied to Ivies and Stanford too but I have no hope for those at this point…

Any chance for my son at UCB or will he get one spot at GaTech ( he is waitlisted) ?
Can someone estimate his chances with these stats too ( he doesn’t know I am asking here, we don’t talk about admission these days).

Major: CS
Unweighted GPA: 3.91
Act: 35
SAT 2s: Math-760, Physics-800
11 APs: Mostly 5, 4 ( he was awarded AP scholar)
South Asian

Accepted: None ( applied at selected schools only)
Wait-list: Georgia Tech,
Rejected: MIT (EA deferred, then RD rejected), CMU (ED rejected), (UCLA, UICUC, Purdue (RD rejected))
Waiting for CS: UCB, Yale, Cornell, Stanford, UMIC

Good amount of leadership , Eagle Scout and several ECs . Two years of IT internship (they needed this to graduate), NHS, EHS, MAO or whatever honors clubs or society . Very impressive essay.

DS applied to L&S CS. Recently got to know that L&S does not assign majors initially.

So, the screening/selection still happens as per the major applied or all L&S applicants treated as one pool? Then later on depends on the pre-req completion, kids would be able to go to their desired majors?

also whoever applied to CS in the application, would be given priority for the class selection and/or getting into their target major?

Can some one shed some light around it?

@Gumbymom any inputs? Thanks!

Ahh I’m so scared!!