****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****

As far as I can see, your son applied to no safeties, although you cannot change that now, I don’t see how anyone had not told you that not applying to any safeties was a bad idea. All the best for your son nonetheless!

Hi all, could you please chance me for Cal.

Major: Econ
Unweighted GPA: 3.35, Weighted GPA: around 4 (very steep upward trend sophomore year to junior year)
Act: 32 (35 English, 34 Reading, 28 Math, 31 Science)
AP: Spanish (4) - School doesn’t offer more AP until junior year, that too only Spanish. Taking 4 Aps this year (2 econ, Calc AB, Stats)
South Asian

First Generation

Private school is top 5 in the country

Accepted: UIUC, Purdue, UCSC, UCR
Wait-list: UCSD, UCD, UCI
Rejected: UCSB, UCLA
Waiting for: UCB, USC, NYU

Got an internship related to economics at a local business, leader of 3 clubs, have done sports for 4 semesters, and part of the school’s admission team and tutor local middle schoolers for the last 4 years. Some other things as well
Essays were strong

Pls let me know, am really nervous but hoping for something to happen that is miracle!

From UCB admissions twitter handle:
Just :one: day left until Freshman Decision Day! Who’s ready? ??

Freshmen decisions will be released sometime tomorrow, March 26, before 11:59 p.m. PST.

Good luck for tomorrow!!

Its 3 PST since berkeley is in California

It’s noon PST. Note the official twitter feed in post #362.

“Just :one: day left until Freshman Decision Day! Who’s ready? ??
Freshmen decisions will be released sometime tomorrow, March 26, before 11:59 p.m. PST.”

@2bigkids 11:59 p.m is @ night. All the twitter message is saying that decisions will definitely be released tomorrow. It does not say anything about when. Historically decisions have been released @ 3:00 pm PST.

That means anytime before midnight.

It could be as late as 2:59 AM on March 27th for East Coast applicants :neutral:

@tenseMom Sorry to hear about your son’s bad luck. The college admissions process is so dicey. I hope he hears some good news soon.

If the next few days don’t go as planned, I would highly recommend applying to some schools whose deadlines haven’t passed yet. Schools like LSU, Clemson, UCF, and many others are still accepting applications.

I know his stats are much more competitive than the norm for these schools, but any college is better than no college.

Best of luck!

Post GPA, stats, and ccs when you comment if you got accepted or rejected guys. That’s what students will be looking for when they go over this thread in the future.

Did anyone apply gmp program?
Also, chsnce me

ACT : 34
13 APS , A’s in 10
4.0 unweighted , 97.125/100 weighted
3 year varsity tennis
Varsity co-captain
NHS, NEHS, Habitat for humanity

Treasurer/Cofounder of food for charity, raised an donated 15 K

Internship w/ real estate developer
Don’t need FA

@Rodnfkvk There’s a separate chance thread, and if you’re a senior, just wait a day.

how competitive is it to get into the cognitive science major at berkeley?

Someone chance me I’m super nervous

white male applying in poly sci
GPA: 3.86 UW, 4.55 W
SAT: 1500 (750,750)
3 Honors
2 AP’s
11 IB’s

EC’s: high school and club volleyball, hospital volunteering, began a community organization, summer camp volunteer, tutor, on the board of 2 clubs

Essays revolves around writing a research paper on the conflicts of Israel and Palestine and my community participation (related to poly sci), teaching English to primary Spanish speakers and alienation of Hispanics in our school systems, and how a nearby mass shooting inspired me to begin a campaign raising hundreds for a stronger background checking system

relax everybody, all the best!

@rg081602 guess same time as Ivy

Isn’t 11:59 pm one minute before midnight, not noon???

It means they will release it sometime before midnight PST

@orugallu: Although UCB does not admit by major into the College of Letters and Sciences, intended major would be still be a consideration in terms of HS rigor/courses taken, EC’s related to the intended major and also the personal insight essays. Unfortunately I am not an admissions officer, but the students will be evaluated as a pool but I am sure that to make sure there are enough resources/classes for all students, they will still categorize students by intended major. I am also sure that they know students change their minds about majors all the time, so they do take that into account by having the pre-req courses and GPA requirements for the impacted majors.

Regarding scheduling, again when they accept applicants by possible intended major, they will make sure classes are available to all students.

@ProfessorPlum168 could probably answer the class availability and scheduling better since he has a son that went the CS in L&S route. I would send him a PM.

@InTypical: There is a stats only thread where all applicants should post their decisions.


Best of luck to all applicants.