****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****

Note that this “top 9% in your high school” (Eligibility in Local Context) is based on your UC-recalculated GPA meeting a threshold UC-recalculated GPA from a recent past class at your high school, not your rank calculated by your high school.


There is also a “top 9% statewide” that is approximated by a formula described here:


Note that having either “top 9%” does not guarantee you admission to any specific UC campus. It means that if you are shut out if UCs that you apply to, you will be offered admission to another UC if there is space available. In the recent past, the UC with space available has been Merced.

For when you’re waitlisted, do you just send in a letter with your new accomplishments?

@scertuik: You are jumping the gun since decisions will not be out until end of March but based on last year’s procedure, you opt into the Waitlist by April 15th. There is an optional waitlist statement you can submit.

Topics to use for the statement may include: Awards and recognition obtained since the point of application, Explanation of any course changes, challenges faced since the point of application. Please remember there is no right or wrong answer, simply the opportunity to share additional information.

Which is more selective and offers better overall education/experience: UCSB Honors Program or regular admission to UC Berkeley?

@losername UCSB honors program allows priority registration which is a huge perk and if used wisely can potentially lead to a better overall education/experience. That said, the two schools are two ends of the spectrum in terms of physical environment, social environment and academic environment. Evaluating honors vs regular would just be the tip of the iceberg in determining which school would be better for you.

Thanks lkg. My guess is it’s actually more difficult to get into UCSB Honors than UCB … what do you think?

Worrying about abbreviating classes for my “General Education/Breadth - College of Environmental Design” form that I need to fill out by January 31 at 11:59 PM. Any suggestions?

Going to call admissions office tomorrow.

Good luck all.

Is there results thread (stats)specifically for Berkeley EECS 2023? I couldn’t find one.
Also, if you have applied for EECS : if adcoms do not consider your app, is there a chance that they offer an acceptance as undeclared?

@Eastcoast234 If you look at the top of the forum next to the page numbers, you will see a little magnifying glass. Click on that and type what you want to search for. I searched for “EECS 2023” in the Berkeley forum and all the threads that mention that come up.

This might be what you are looking for: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/22000272#Comment_22000272

You can also search an individual thread by using the magnifying glass at the top of that thread. Here is the general 2023 thread. Search for EECS and you will find some stats on EECS applicants. http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-berkeley/2112225-uc-berkeley-2023-applicants-thread-p45.html

Thank you @ikg4answers!
Usually I search as you mentioned. But I found general Berkeley results thread but not specific to EECS. Will try again though and thanks for your patience!

What day does UCB early admits release? I have seen a thread for early admits stats but have no idea when UCB would release early admits? Any info.

@Eastcoast234 last year it was on Feb 8 just after 3 pm. See post 95 here: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-berkeley/2112225-uc-berkeley-2023-applicants-thread-p5.html

Thank you so much @ Ikg4answers!

Wow, is it that time of the year already? My S1 graduated May last year, and my S2 is EECS junior. He’s a regents scholar, I remember he got the early admit and regents invite, around 3:30 on Friday 2/8, or 2/9? 2017. Can’t remember. So, based on the pattern of last years, Cal could very possible send out early admits this Friday!

Good luck everyone! If you are not admitted early, don’t panic. My S1 was admitted at regular decision time near the end of March.

Does anyone know if a recruited athlete can be a regent scholar? My OOS S will be playing a sport for Cal next year but he also has extremely high stats. Wondering if has a chance to be a RS.

What are early admits? Are they different from the RD which they release on End of March? What were requirements/criteria to be considered as ‘early’?

For the past few years (I think 2016 maybe the first year?) Cal has sent out admissionS to some students in early February, second Friday of February as far as I can remember. Most of them are also invited to apply for the regents scholarship. I don’t know if there’s any OOS regents scholars?
I truly don’t know what the criteria are. I guess high GPA helps but it definitely is not the only thing Cal considers.

This is based on our personal experience and hope it helps!

@richbilly: From the UCB website:


A small number of students will receive notification of their decision in February. Most of these students will be nominees for Regents’ and Chancellor’s Scholarships, a process that has traditionally been initiated during this time of year; the difference is that those students and some others are receiving admission offers at the same time. Early admission notification is not Early Action or Early Decision. Students cannot apply to be admitted early. The majority of freshman applicants still will receive their decisions at the end of March, via the MAP@Berkeley portal.

Here is what I know from something I received last week from UC Berkeley - so it appears that students will start hearing in the next day or so.

“Late next week, a small number of freshman applicants will be notified that they have been admitted to UC Berkeley. Last year, roughly 8 percent of our fall 2019 freshman admits were notified of their admission decision in February, the majority of whom were candidates for our Regents’ & Chancellor’s scholarship. The vast majority of freshman applicants will receive an admission decision on March 26, 2020.”