****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****

D Accepted! Financial aid question for anyone who knows. Is this the final offer or are scholarships awarded separately. Major sticker shock.

Both DS rejected from UCB

Denied. Shocked as I got into UCLA.

Accepted to EECS!

Asian Thai Male 1450 SAT
A levels : 3A* 1A
Many mathematics ECs and a robotics internship

Very happy and very shocked. Congratulations to everyone else accepted and hope to see you guys there in August! :smiley:


See separate Waitlist discussion thread.

2019 Waitlist stats:
Waitlist offers: 7,535
Waitlist opt-ins: 3,975
Waitlist admits: 1,094

@notinks: Are you in-state, OOS or International? Did you run the Net Price calculator prior to applying?

If you have a FA package posted in the student portal then yes that should be the final FA.

@Gumbymom OOS. Yes, I ran net price, but was hopeful there would be scholarships.

My daughter just got admitted to UCB and USC! we just did not expect this at all considering she was rejected from UCSB, UCI, UCLA and waitlisted at UCSC (!!!), UCD and UCSD. So, everything is possible!

[quote=ā€œelzzorr, post:540, topic:2075244ā€]


1480 SAT (770M, 710E)
3.5 UW, 3.9W
Double legacy but itā€™s a public school so they donā€™t really look at that
Strong ECā€™s (600+ community service hours, 4 years of student gov, 4 years of varsity golf + 2 years as captain)
I thought my essays were pretty good tooā€¦

That great Stats and EC . Wow. Where will you go?

@user_3258677 What were your stats and extracurriculars?

your post make me laugh out loud!
results are perplexing indeed!

Best to you! You have excellent optionsā€¦

Son rejected!

Mechanical Engineering
UC GPA 4.27
ACT 35
Itā€™s a bummer for his ego but he has other great choices that are a better fit for him so heā€™s okay. Good luck to everyone!

Son was accepted BME
GPA- 4.0(U/W);
ACT- 35; SAT Math II 800; SAT Math I 790; SAT Bio (M) 780
APs- Five by grad; Spanish (5) and Stats (5).; Bio, Comp. Sci. and B/C Calc in May 2020
EC: 100ā€™s of volunteering hours to tutor ESL kids, Mentor in HS, interned at lab at JHU, etc.Sports: club soccer team captain; varsity track.

Accepted: BME/Bioengineering at UNC Chapel Hill; UVa; NCSU, UCSD, UCSB, UCLA, Duke, USC

Congratulations to everyone accepted and the very best of luck to everyone that did not get the answer they wanted. Good luck wherever your studies lead you.


GPA: 4.2 (UC gpa)
SAT Score: 1580
ACT Score: 36
Good ECs, pretty good essays (had a couple of people review them),

Accepted: Cornell, Columbia, U Penn, UC Berkeley, UCSD, UCSB, CSULB, CSUF, Cal Poly Pomona, SDSU
Waitlisted: UCLA, UC Davis, Cal Poly SLO, Darthmouth, Yale, Brown
Rejected: Harvard
Waiting for: UCR, Stanford

@notinks: UCā€™s give little in terms of merit aid so unless your student interviewed for Regents, you should not expect much in terms of scholarships. UCā€™s give good FA (need-based) to CA residents.


Congrats, everyone! I remember being super anxious during my admissions cycle. I cried like a baby for about 3 days after getting in. This is a time to celebrate!

For those who didnā€™t get in, donā€™t worry. I was rejected by half the schools I applied to but still ended up where Iā€™m supposed to be. You will, too! It will all work out, I promise.

Go Bears!!!

That is exactly happened for my D. She got rejected by UCLA and UCI but get accepted by both UCB and USC. I guess you never know.

Decision: Accepted
Major: Molecular and Cell Biology
32 ACT( Reading: 35, Math: 34, Reading: 32, Science: 27) ran out of time on science :confused:
Unweighted GPA: 3.91
Weighted UC GPA: 4.27
Weighted GPA: 4.59
Courseload: Freshman: APHUG(4)
Sophomore: AP Euro(3)
Junior: AP Lang(3) AP Bio(5) APUSH(4)
Senior: AP Calc BC, AP Chem, AP Lit, AP Gov
EC: VP of Chemistry Club, Science Olympiad Member, Academic Decathlon Member, Science Bowl Member.
Essays: The only really defining factor of my essays was my story with my grandmother who I looked after for 4 years with my family, mainly my mother. I would visit at least three times a week and in the essay I talked about how it affected me. Even looking back at it now, I didnā€™t want to say I was depressed that she was gone, but I had to move back into her room to sleep bc my brother came back from college. It f**ked with my head,but I didnā€™t say anything about it in my essay, but I guess it was good enough. Iā€™m ecstatic that I was accepted. Iā€™m an inspiring pre-med! (yea im going to die in cal). I was planning on going to my local CC to save money and then transfer, but since I was accepted iā€™ll be going. Anyone who got denied or waitlisted needs to know that it is not the end of the world for you. Iā€™m not going to Cal for prestige and I know for a fact it is going to be an arduous path ahead for me. However, if your desire is enough, your career will not change whether you go to cal or not. Good luck to everyone!
Accepted: UCD, UCB, UCSD
Waitlisted: UCLA ( I was given the option, but since I was accepted into Cal I wonā€™t accept)

Denied: Princeton University

I was just accepted to the college of Letters and Science but applied for African American studies. Is there any way I can switch my major to biology during my first year?