****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****

Has anyone that has applied to GMP (global management program) been contacted for an interview or had their interview already? My D applied but hasn’t heard back.

Also, @lkg4answers - UCSB Honors gives priority registration? I didn’t see that on the website. Just curious if it is true…

@gratefulmama I applied for GMP OOS from Texas and I haven’t heard back either. Based on what I’ve seen from last yr, I assume that a majority of the invites will sent throughout this month and early March.

@boss2719 - Good to know. Thanks and good luck!

This is the UCB forum but yes, UCSB honors gives priority registration. That said, there are a small number of students that get invited to the Chancellors Reception who do not get either honors or regents. https://my.sa.ucsb.edu/catalog/Current/CollegesDepartments/ls-intro/lshonorsprogram.aspx

After reading the Berkeley messages from last year, I feel we should have applied to Letters and Sciences instead of Eecs?
Here is my s’ profile:

Uw gpa 4.0, weighted 4.7, SAT - 1550, Essay -22
Subject test: math-800
Chemistry -800, biology 790
APs: AP chem -5
AP physics1-5
AP CS -5
AP English language-5
AP Calc BC -5
AP stats, AP physics C, AP Spanish ( most likely 5)
ECs: has been on school JV and Varsity basketball team and also in track and field : triple jump, 1st place, 4/4, high jump 2 Nd place for school.
USACO gold ( perfect score)
Study buddy at school
Anime club officer
Tutored kids in the neighborhood
Part of Octagon (volunteer) club, link leader, part of powder puff, ELC
Worked in a school that teaches coding
From a competitive public school , Bay Area,CA, Asian male for CS
Income: middle class.
What do you think? Please include your explanation.

Thank you for your inputs and time

@Ikg4answers and few others provided their insight. But after reading several messages in last year’s results, I felt like he is missing on leadership positions?

Also, forgot to mention that his mid year reports are all A’ s only

@Eastcoast234 I would not be the one you should ask for chances or for my opinion on stats. I @Gumbymom is the best person to ask for chances to any of the UCs.

@Eastcoast234 - I don’t know how Cal works but at most UC’s (my older D attends UCLA eng) it is better to apply direct than later try to transfer from L&S. Your S has the scores, gpa & ECs to be a strong candidate… (Leadership can be shown through his tutoring and club officer role.) Essays and how he compares to others from his hs will be the unknown factor to determine if he’s a good fit. However, he looks to be in great shape.

Ok, thank you Ikg4answers

Ok, thank you @ grateful mama

I can share my S2 stats who is EECS Junior and regents scholar . He also got admitted to UCLA computer engineering and regents. Hope this will help.

Act 36
Math 800
Physics 800
GPA 4.6
Varsity basketball captain
Short term oversea mission every summer
Church volunteer
Some robotics, science olympics, but nothing too impressive

@Eastcoast234 , your son is a very strong candidate, but nothing is guaranteed. As someone else said, transferring to EECS from a different school is very very difficult. Someone can apply To L&S then if you reach a certain GPA then you can choose to be a CS major the second year.
Good luck!

Is EECS more difficult than L&S? My son choose Physics, and it is L&S, right?

@Eastcoast234: EECS is a more difficult admit for CS than L&S but EECS is a direct admit into the major.

L&S CS requires the following to transfer into the CS major at UCB. @ProfessorPlum168 has some direct knowledge about the difficulty of declaring CS and the difficulty of the courses.

Complete these prerequisites: CS 61A, CS 61B, CS 70
Earn a 3.3 GPA in those prerequisites
Only courses taken at UC Berkeley count toward the GPA calculation
Complete declaration application before the 30th day of the last month of the semester in which you complete your prerequisites (Dec 30, May 30, or Aug 30)

Your son is a competitive applicant but as stated above, it is not a guarantee of admission but he has a solid chance for an acceptance.

UCLA does not offer CS other than in the College of Engineering, so trying to transfer in from another major in L&S is extremely difficult.

Best of luck to your son.

@spacebuddy: Physics is in the College of Letters and Sciences which does not admit by major. EECS does admit by major.

I’m so confused about which ucs have early admits and when. Does anyone have an official list?


@CindyLeuWho: They should be labeled “earlier” admits meaning before the usual March decisions.

UCB does earlier admits for High Stat/Regent/Chancellor scholarship students.

UCI does earlier admits for their Regents/Chancellor/Honor’s college students.

UCSB sends out Chancellor Reception invites for high achieving applicants. Not a guarantee of admission but pretty close.

UCSD has had a “earlier” admit calling campaign targeting high achieving students usually about week before regular March decisions.

UCSC started admitting “earlier” than usual last year but this no way an assumption they will follow the same procedure for this year.

@Gumbymom Does UCLA not do any earlier admits, just waits till March? Thanks for the info!

@west23east20: No early admits for UCLA. All decisions will be on the same day usually the 3rd Friday of March.

@Gumbymom, thank you for the info.