****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****

@alyssarjonesss If you got into Letters and Science you are technically undeclared! That means you can change your major anytime until you declare, usually in sophomore year. Just make sure you sign up for the prerequisites for molecular cell biology/mcb or integrative biology/IB (I’m assuming you’re talking about these).

I’m a current freshman with an intended major in mcb so feel free to ask me if you have any questions!

Son accepted to College of Engineering
In-state, white male

GPA: 3.93 (UW)/4.48 (W)
SAT: 1470; Math II 800, Physics 800
12 APs, 2 college advanced math classes

Academic - International award, university research experience related to major, oral presentation of research work at an international conference to industry professionals.
Athletic - nationally- and state-ranked athlete, medalist at state level and binational competitions.
Community service - unique and multiple leadership roles.

Essays: personal, funny, and genuine.

Congratulations to everyone.

@Sushi121212 Thank you so much for your help!

Go with Biology. You’ll have a ton of job opportunities for the rest of your life no matter where you live.

Question: Has anyone recieved any follow up emails from UCB after receiving your decision?

DD accepted
Letters and Sciences

4 UW gpa, 4.7 W gpa
35 ACT, 800 MATH 2, 790 CHEM
14 APs (Seven 5s, one 4, six more senior)
A lot of EC, a few leaderships

ADMITTED - letters & sciences
SAT: 1570, subject math2 800, chemistry 800, physics 800 all first try
GPA: 4.0uw/4.7w
12 APs: 5 senior yr; calc BC (5)/AB (5), physics C (5), cs A(5), stats (5), world hist (5), apush (4) + 2 college courses related to major
NMF; 4x AIME; 4-yr varsity sport; COSMOS
ECs with leadership and duration focused on community service
in-state asian male

accepted: UIUC (james scholar); UW (p&g $33k award); UCLA; UCSD; UCD (regents $30k); UCI (CHC+regents+deans $26k); UCSB
rejected: none

for those interested, if you’ve taken a course at berkeley, you can log in cal central to get notified acceptance earlier - update sent at 5am decision day.

letting go of regents scholarships & perks and also a coveted spot in ucla computer science & engineering for undeclared L&S here will be a difficult choice, but we’re happy to have this problem of too many options :smiley:

@Gumbymom - Thank so much for committing your time and energy moderating this thread. Your perspective and guidance was very helpful.

Too difficult to visit UCB and UCLA in this COVID environment. Son is going to decline his acceptance; headed to Duke.

Congratulations to all those accepted and very best of luck to everyone else.

Not to be THAT person but I’m confused. I got waitlisted but I know a couple people from my school who got in with lower stats and less impressive extracurriculars. I guess college decisions are unpredictable these days and I’m happy to an extent for them considering Berkeley was there dream school (it wasn’t for me but it would have been nice to have as an option). It’s just hard because you can’t help but compare yourself to your friends and ask yourself ‘what did i do wrong’.

@blackcat2 - You have vocalised every rejected/waitlisted applicant’s inner thoughts. Could not have summarized it better. Good Luck!

My D applied for “Biology+Business” program but the admission letter says - “You have been admitted to the college of letters and science”, but there is no mention of “Biology+Business”. So I am wondering whether she got the “Biology+Business” program or not?

thank you! you too <3 @AniAni

accepted instate asian male for polisci
4.03 uc gpa/1570 sat
ask for more stats

hey all, i’m a senior at cal rn. let me know if you want any advice on programs, clubs, work or play life at cal. congrats to everyone who got in, i’ll be graduating but you guys have a bright future ahead

@blackcat2 you should only compare to people who chose the same major as you did. every college has “easier” majors to gain acceptances so if you happened to select the more impacted majors, then your competition isn’t just those from your school with lower stats. don’t worry too much about what you did wrong as you probably did do some things right and have other options. for people who’s dream school is berkeley, it’s likely they selected a less impacted major in order to achieve their dream. :blush:

Yes, thank you! I am more than happy and feel really lucky to have been accepted to the colleges I have, considering competition for college admission seems to be increasing every year. Thank you for your insight and although berkeley says the major you decide isnt considered in admission for the college of letters and sciences, I did apply for bio which tends to be heavily impacted at virtually every college. @kiwibot

Got into School of Letter and Sciences in Molecular Biology, Does anyone know what are the chances of getting into medicine school? Is there a pre-med program at UCB ? What % of UCB graduates gets into. medicine program in country ?Is there data available somewhere ? Thanks

First, best wishes to y’all here! Just continue to work hard and no matter what college you choose, you will find success in life.

Congrats to all those who have been admitted. My S1 graduated last year and S2 is a Regents scholar, third year at EECS. They love Cal!

Go Bear

@Patsg01 There is a pre-med section to College Confidential. The people there are very knowledgeable about stats. You might post your question there. http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/pre-med-medical-school/

Okay kind of late but…

SAT: 1390
GPA: 3.93 uw/ 4.67 w (soph-senior)
AP/Honors: AP Physics, Honors PreCalc, APWH, AP Calc BC, AP Lang, HUSH, Honors Chem, AP French, APCSP, AP Gov
Other: Biotech Class/Internship, MATH 252, 254, COMMS 103, English 101
4 year varsity athlete. captain of water polo and swim team
ECs: community service - clubs and senior center (150+ hours), Tech Trek Junior Counselor, HOBY participant, 4 year class council vice president, started a STEM camp in my home country led by my relatives
Part-time Lifeguard
in-state pacific islander female

accepted: UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, SDSU
rejected: UCI