****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****

I was accepted. I was very shocked.

I am a Panamanian Jew (culturally) that looks very white.

SAT Score: 1060 (first time) 1160 (second time)

AP classes: 4 in total. APHUG, AP Euro, AP Psych, AP Lang. APHUG and AP Euro scores 4 and 3.

Dual enrollment classes: US History and Music History (at the community college)

Extracurriculars: French Club President since Freshman Year, second semester. Interact Club, NHS member, Junior Varsity Tennis

Essays: varied topics; talked about my deaf family. growing up as a CODA, graduation a year early from High School, and my passion for deep, conceptualized learning

Applied: A lot (25 colleges) but specifically UCSD, UCR, UCSB, UC Berkeley, Ivy Leagues, University of Washington

Accepted: Most of them, minus the Ivy leagues, Fordham (waitlist), Georgetown and William/Mary (denied), George Washington (waitlist)

Iā€™m debating between UW and UCB (both undeclared)

Congrats to those that got in. I got waitlisted but UCB is my dream school. I hope a miracle happens in May.

Does anyone have any info on the school of natural resources for undergrads?

Many congratulations to the students who got accepted!

@Melly02forlife: what specific information are you looking for?


Is it important to accept ASAP in order to get housing? My DS is trying to decide between UCLA and UCB and we are wondering if his waiting will impact his option for housing? Thanks for any info.

Hi All! Congrats to all the admits!!

Son (OOS) got accepted into L&S - heā€™s thrilled! The question we have is that he indicated physics as his major in the app. But the Decision Letter says ā€œYou have been admitted for the fall semester of 2020 to the College of Letters and Science.ā€ with no mention of the major. Does this mean he is Undeclared? And if so, would there be a possibility that he is denied his physics major down the road?

As a side note, he also got accepted into UCLA L&S and there the Decision Letter clearly states ā€œYou have been admitted to the UCLA College of Letters and Science with Physics as your academic major.ā€


Hey @Expedited! So IDK how much you know about EECS, but I got into Berkely for EECS and I got into UCSD (my dream school) for CS. Iā€™ve been wanting to get out of the Bay Area for the longest time (I hate it here) but I feel like EECS is really hard to turn down bc of how good the program is at UCB. Do you think youā€™d be able to give me some pros/cons of the Berkeley environment and specifically EECS, if possibe?

@2024CuriousDad yes everyone enters L&S undeclared. since physics is not listed in their ā€œhigh-demand majorsā€ your son would have no problem declaring that major. itā€™s well known that ā€œCs get degreesā€ at berkeley :wink:

@stressedout3 congrats on both acceptances! hereā€™s the info from incoming freshman housing FAQs:

If I complete my housing application early do I have a better chance of getting the room I want?
No. Assignment preferences are not given based on when the applications are turned in. They are reviewed based upon a lottery system. There is no benefit to applying early- as long as you apply by the deadline and you have broad preferences, your housing application will have the same odds in the lottery as any other student.

@kiwibot - thanks for the clarification! such a strange time for the kids with no on-campus events etc. UCLA vs UCB is going to be a happy problem for us to solve :slight_smile:

my post is a little late (was sad for a while lol) but im rly disappointed that i got rejected and definitely sad about my results

GPA W: 4.6 / UW 4.0
ACT: 35
applied for a Communications major

@doggiefan - Your stats show that you have outstanding credentials. I am sure youā€™ll find a home in an outstanding program and do great! Best regards and chin up!

@scaredandnervous - Did your L&S Decision Letter specify your CS + Math majors?

@2024CuriousDad CS + math is not a major choice at UCB though many do pursue a double major in those fields. however it is a choice at UCSD and my sonā€™s acceptance states so specifically.

@happyParent2024 - see @kiwibotā€™s post #610 to a similar question from me :slight_smile:

Hello everyone. We live in NC and our son was accepted at UCLA and Berkeley. We had planned to visit the schools once we heard back but now with COVID - he is now faced with making the decision on which college to attend without getting a chance to be on campus with students. We did visit Berkeley last spring but they were on spring break so we really didnā€™t get a ā€œfeelā€ for the campus or student life.

I am curious to get some honest input and feedback on both schools. He is currently ā€œUndecidedā€ and was admitted into the schoolā€™s Letters & Sciences. Also - if there are other resources to help get more straightforward information about schools without it just being marketing - I am just trying to find out any information I can to share with him - THANK YOU!!

@gooofypirate iā€™m a cs major so i know a lot about the program. iā€™d definitely take eecs over ucsd cs. iā€™m also bay area native so i feel you with wanting to leave the area, but eecs is much better. berkeley is in the perfect location for tech and sd really just isnā€™t. berkeley has always had deep roots in computing in software and hardware and its faculty and classes are amazing. one of my friends does ee hardware at sd and itā€™s also very rigorous so i canā€™t knock it, but you wonā€™t be first in line for job interviews like you would be at berkeley. cons? keeping a car in berkeley sucks and thereā€™s more of a housing crunch in berkeley than sd. dm me and i can give you more details

Iā€™m a bit torn on which universities would be good for environmental science and I wanted a bit of info on how student life is, especially for a student whos active in hiking and loves the city lifestyle. Iā€™ve heard the environmental college is one of the best in the nation and just received more funding but I feel thatā€™s what we always hear from Berkeley and rightfully so. But Iā€™m also intrigued by UCD and UCSC programs any advice?

Hiā€¦need some adviceā€¦Iā€™m from New York and currently deciding between UCLA, UC Berk and Georgia Tech. I am a bio major and possibly pre-med or pre-dental track. I got a scholarship at Georgia Tech for their in state tuition so it come out to 30k/year I think while UCLA and UC Berk would be around 60k to 65k respectively. Cost really isnā€™t an issue and I could attend the UCā€™s if I wanted but Iā€™m definitely hesitant on if going to the UCā€™s (which are maybe objectively a better academic school and better for my major) would be worth almost double the price.

Additionally, Iā€™m concerned between the sizes of each school. The UCs are about 30,000 undergrad students while GT would be about 15,000. Do you think there is an issues of lack of research opportunities, mentorships, and individualized attention at the UCā€™s? Although they might be better schools, if opportunities are harder to come by compared to GT then I would also be more inclined to go to GT.

I guess what Iā€™m asking is while the UC schools are probably academically better and better for my major, is it better enough to be worth the significant price difference? If you look at attending college more as an economic investment, would paying the extra to go to the UCā€™s make it easier to get into good grad schools and jobs? Is it worth the difference? Thank you in advance for any insight!