****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****

@goin2college0 Once you enroll, the “Admission Tasks” on your CalCentral will ask to report scores for all the APs (those you had taken AND those you said you would be taking this May in your application). The update form ensures that the admissions knows about the change when they check in the summer for completion of tasks.

@SuperIndiana This is exactly the information I needed. HUGE Thank You for letting me know. Last question: is there a form to cancel an AP Test for a refund? Or is it too late?

I know housing it totally up in the air, but is there any good guess as to when we might hear from them?

@scrambro do you mean regarding whether triples/quad, etc will still be allowed, or a date to hear back for the housing contract? It’s due by June 2nd for me.

does anyone know if we will still get acceptance letters in the mail if we got accepted from the waitlist?

@goin2college0 more like when we will be notified if we received a housing assignment. Although one begets the other, I suppose.

Planning to join UCB as a freshman this fall. My school changed to pass/fail for Q4 instead of letter grade due to covid and onine classes. Will it be OK with berkeley with this change??

Final grade gpa will be average of Q1, 2,3.

@goin2college0 There was a deadline to cancel and get full refund but my son missed that deadline. Then my son talked to the person at his high school who is in charge of AP testing arrangement. That person checked with Collegeboard and said we would still get full refund.
You might want to talk to the person at your school asap.

@goin2college0 My son said there was a form for cancellation with that deadline. He missed the deadline with that form. He emailed the person at his high school to cancel and was told he would still get full refund.

Berkeley is happy with any covid related thing anyone decides to do.
They are perfectly happy with your pass/no passing.

May 6th
What we all know about Fall.
I’m guessing that lab classes will probably be in person. If you take big classes only, you could probably get away with living at home. They will very likely at least have the option of living on campus and they probably won’t make you decide whether you’re living on campus until they’ve made a decision about fall.
Currently, Crossroads and Cafe 3 Dining halls are open out of the four we currently have. They talked about condensing dorms, don’t know if they ended up doing that this year but they might for next year if everything’s online.

Dear faculty, staff and students,

We are writing today to provide an update on our ongoing planning for fall semester operations. The planning process is wide-ranging and is deepening every day as we bring more faculty and staff onto the committees that are helping us envision what the fall term could look like. We aim to make key decisions in regard to fall operations by mid-June.

Guiding Principle

A single principle guides all of this work: to protect the health of our community. There are additional sets of principles that guide our plans for instruction and research. We are committed to upholding Berkeley’s excellence across all of our mission areas.

Scenario Planning

Because we don’t know what the spread of COVID-19 will look like over the course of the next few months, each committee below has been asked to develop plans for each of the following three scenarios for the fall semester:

Scenario #1: For public health reasons, the campus must continue with full remote instruction, and predominantly remote work being done in the operations and research realms.

Scenario #2: In-person operations resume, with limits and restrictions imposed by public health authorities.

Scenario #3: Campus operations largely return to normal (i.e., mostly in-person), but wherever possible, will accommodate students, staff, researchers and instructors who need or prefer to operate remotely due to continuing pandemic conditions.

Thank you for everything you are doing to support the university’s mission and serve our students. It is indeed a challenging and uncertain time, and we have been so grateful for your commitment, as well as your patience and flexibility. What makes Berkeley Berkeley is not just our physical campus, or our history, or our traditions… above all else, it is our community. No matter what our fall semester looks like, we will remain strong because of the dedicated service of so many of you.


Carol Christ

Thx @Walter924

Important note:
They send housing offers to your Berkeley.edu email, which are only good for 2 weeks.
Make sure that you know about your Berkeley email and check it or it’ll be a stressful summer for you.
If you mess up, they have a waitlist and you’ll get housing eventually. It just might take a month or two and they’ll put you in a random place.

I totally didn’t realize we had Berkeley emails

Other ways I messed up in the first few months:
Didn’t realize there was a specific time that you enroll in classes (Calcentral, academics, right hand side). Enrolled in classes a few hours late.
All the classes I planned out were filled up. It worked out, but you should probably check on how full classes are a few hours before your time so you can adjust. Waitlists work by section, so join an emptier section or waitlist for an emptier section. Enroll in labs phase 1, or big classes where there’s only one section time that works for you. Check berkeleytime.

Oakland airport:
It’s cute. Thanksgiving break makes me want to get TSA precheck ed though. They’re pretty efficient.
The cost of an Uber pool is about 15$ to Berkeley.
If it costs more, usually if you wait 10 minutes it’ll go back to normal.
If you get 2 seats in an uber pool, you can bring all the luggage you want.
After you are an official student with a bus pass,
the 73 (?) bus is free, will take you to the Coliseum Bart from the airport, and then it’s like a 4-6$ Bart ride to Berkeley.
Don’t take the airport Bart if possible because it’s like 6$ or something by itself. Then Barting is just as expensive as Ubering.

Part time jobs are fun.
The philosophy library is the best.
The Harry Potter decal is popular.
Get to know your food service workers.
The more a club advertises, the less likely you’ll get in.
Don’t mess with consulting clubs. They have 2% acceptance rates and unless you’re pre-Haas, you don’t need that in your life.
If there’s still orientation, 90% of you won’t go to 90% of the orientation events.
You don’t need a wristband to get into frat parties during the first week of school and there’s more frat parties than normal. Fun fact: There’s a pillars of consent speech before entering any frat party. Also sororities don’t throw parties at their houses.

Back to learning about Carbon taxes. Finals season.
Giving unsolicited advice is great procrastination.

Hi @Walter924. Do you remember when Golden Bear advising happens, and if it was valuable or not? Thanks.

GBO is around August 20th. Or at least it was last year.
It costs like 300$. Mostly for the food and moving in earlier.
It might be required.
There’s a bunch of events and stuff about study abroad and advice from Berkeley students and meet faculty in your program, field trip to Oakland and SF, ice cream socials, some required presentations on consent, etc. They have things planning from 7:30 in the morning to 11 at night for 7 days. But after the first day or two, most people stop going to the events. Or breakfast.
The point is mostly to get settled in before classes start, make some friends.
Groups are made of people who live in your unit/dorm.
They have separate groups for transfers and commuters.

@scrambro The email I received from the coach states golden bear advising will take place in June (I believe most of the month) and the orientation will be from August 19 - 25.

I got admitted off the waitlist on 05/08. Will I get an admissions package? Those of you who got admitted on 03/26, when did you receive your package? Also where do you check your “Berkeley email”?

@phatdoggo did you access your Calcentral page yet? Have you accessed CalCentral from the MAP page yet? One of the first tasks to do is create CalNet ID. That is basically how you create your school “bMail” acct.

Has anyone who applied to Bowles Hall heard anything? Any acceptances? Thanks in advance!