****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****

@Walter924 yeh I sorted out. thank you

When Berkeley receives ur quarter 3 and 4 grades do the recalculate the GPA to get rid of the plusses and minuses like for B pluses

I know many of us had this question so I just want to tell you all that I was accepted off the waitlist on 05/08 and I received an admission package today. So yes, they do send admission packages to waitlist admits.

Hey, congrats! Berkeley class of 2024!

Has anyone received a housing offer, aside from Bowles?

Hello, about the previous summer school transcript, which has been received by calcenter? mine has been sent several weeks before, but still showing as an incomplete task

If you sent it, they’ll figure it out.
If they lose it somehow, it’ll be fine.
My CC transcript got lost, so I had to get it sent to me and I had to deliver it to the office in the middle of fall semester.
You won’t get rescinded, pretty sure it won’t prevent you from signing up for classes, and getting it in won’t give you an earlier class enrollment.
Don’t worry about it.

many thanks! much relieved, I have been worried that if there is a task not completed will affect the admission:)
then I will wait a while and might have to order that again from the previous summer school.

FYI my daughter’s cc transcript still shows as an incompleted task in the admissions tasks but the class credit is appearing on her portal.

Has anyone made a decision about whether they will be dorming at Berkeley or staying home and taking online classes?

Staying home for a semester Pro: Save 7,500 on rent.
Going to school pro: Gives some people better internet, labs will probably be super packed for the next few totally open semesters, so this could be an opportunity to get into a bunch of labs that are normally pains to get into. Clubs, which probably won’t be able to participate in at home.

So if you’re not in a major with labs, you have fine internet at home, and you study fine at home and are motivated to do work by yourself, stay at home.
The other people who will be going to school will also include people who are already stuck paying rent in an apartment or sorority/fraternity. Freshmen don’t take many labs anyways. The only reason that they’re opening up that many dorms is because (I thought) they were making all the rooms doubles. Which, for one, is more expensive than triples by a couple thousand, and also implies that Berkeley expects at least 1/3 of freshmen to choose online classes. Buy a new computer or better internet instead. Hang out with your CSU friends. And if you’re on financial aid, they might even give you funding to find off campus housing if you’re not living on campus, so you’ll get paid to live at home. You have plenty of time to make new friends spring semester.

In summary, go with the crowd, whichever way they end up going.
Living on campus means you value the environment of living on campus (which you don’t really have the experience to value) very highly.
If you want to value it, think about how focused you were spring semester of senior year (not great, but not the worst thing ever), add a little more focus to compensate for senioritis, then think about how much money it would be worth to you to have spring semester be like fall semester was.

Half of this “push towards home” thing is because I’m graduating online over the summer. Taking classes full time and working full time and finding a job after college for a year.

Just got my on-campus housing invitation yesterday. Deadline to let them know is Sunday. I’m an incoming freshman so I’d like to get familiar with the campus and meet people/make friends but I’m not sure it’s worth the risk and money. Social distancing, masks any time you’re outside your dorm room, all online classes 
 and I doubt their will be any clubs or sports. Leaning toward remote learning at home. What do the rest of you think?

Some Spring 2020 AP scores may be up on CalCentral. sign in, then go to “My Academics” then to Academic Records, then Exam Results. Hopefully this will be helpful for you all when planning your schedules for Fall.

Thanks! I just checked and they are all there!

No freshman labs are in person that I can see.

Are there any FPF students, how many Units can you Enroll in Phase 1?
Why can I only take 12 Units? That doesn’t meet the L&S minimum requirement of 13 units per semester.

Whats the drop deadline to drop without it going on your transcript? I signed up for one class that I still don’t know whether I want to take.

@peaceandface Everyone can only enroll in 13.5 units phase 1. Phase 2 is where you enroll in 17.5 units. It’s to let everyone have a chance of getting into the minimum number of units before other classes fill up. So, I, taking 20 units many semesters, aren’t preventing you from getting 13 units. I can only sign up for my last class in the adjustment period, which is difficult because I have to really plan that out because a lot of classes fill up like Phase 1.

@nomood The drop deadline is 6 weeks after classes start. And everyone gets one late add/drop in their Berkeley career that can be a lot later. But signing up for that class means you’re not signing up for another class phase 1, so make sure that your alternate class doesn’t fill up as quickly as this one using berkeleytime.



I was allowed to enroll in 17.5 units phase one, so I just enrolled for all my classes. I am just not sure about this one and am considering taking it later. I would still be a full time student if I didn’t take this one.

For the freshmen enrolled in 2020 fall, there is no Phase2. It seems that I have to choose another course in the adjustment period to increase my units.