*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

No news

I’m pretty sure it’s nothing honestly, but I was just wondering if they sent it to everyone, but sure I’ll attach it here


Did anyone get a status update when they submitted their appeal or was it just the green box that says “submitted” on top of the appeal form?

I got the green box, and also an email saying that my appeal had been received.

did any int. students hear back from the waitlist?

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I am an Int/OOS and I do not jave any news. Tomorrow is the last day to hear. Good luck everyone!


are appeal decisions coming today?

If there is no wave tomorrow, we will have to assume that either Berkeley hasn’t heard from Alameda county regarding COVID restrictions or that it doesn’t need students from the waitlist. Fingers crossed. I just wish it would communicate with us regarding the situation.

Has anyone recently called the AO office?

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just got the glitch
I think I got in!!!

what’s the glitch?

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Can you post a screenshot of the glitch?

yeah let me see if it will send

yes pls

off wl or appeal?

if u got the glitch, pls post it here

hey could you also check the withdraw glitch ?

Tell me this is a tro ll. No one got accepted right?
