*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

idk man, everyone else has “I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”

yea i can withdraw my application still too. not sure what it means for those who can’t

Mine says I’m not authorized to complete that action

are you appeal?

I got an email saying that I still have to wait. Anyone got rejected?


I got my appeal rejection email

Anyone get in?

Thank you for opting to remain on UC Berkeley’s wait list. At this time we are unable to offer you admission to UC Berkeley, but in the coming weeks there is a possibility of additional spaces becoming available. We anticipate notifying all students of their waitlist status by the end of June 2021.

We sincerely apologize for the uncertainty this causes and remain committed to being transparent with our admissions process. If you are guaranteed admission at another institution, we encourage you to remain committed and only decline that offer if we are able to grant you admission to UC Berkeley.

For now, please consider all of your educational opportunities as a space may not be available. We wish you every success in achieving your educational goals.

basically saying no it is rare for someone to choose to reject a waitlist acceptance .

Did anyone on discord get in

I got rejected on the appeal

Daughter got the same message; official waitlist status by end of June. What’s the thought? Most likely that she won’t get an offer?

what exactly do u guys think the waitlist email we got means? Is it a soft rejection? Or is it just telling us that they’ve basically extended the decision date to mid june. tbh it looks like a soft rejection :frowning:

“For now, please consider all of your educational opportunities as a space may not be available.”

What do you think will change between June 1 and June 30 that would allow them to offer more admissions? More students getting off waitlists from other universities and leaving UC Berkeley? Changes related to Covid-19 restrictions?

The letter didn’t relieve the anxiety from waiting and not knowing what’s happening (how many are on the wait list, how many might get an offer, when it might happen, what would cause offers to happen, how do they choose, etc.)

I agree with you that it feels like a soft reject. A wave seems very unlikely now, and if any, there may be a tiny trickle of admits here and there over the next few weeks. My family is at peace tonight; while I wish both my twins had made it to UCB, the reality is that only one got in, and the other chose UT Austin over UIUC CS. For those of us who will not make it to UCB, we will be more than fine. Good luck to all.

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wait im confused did everyone get the same email or some ppl is reject while others is the “wait till june 30th”

appeals got rejected. ppl on waitlist got the email saying to keep waiting

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I thought they were gonna release a few acceptances too

did anyone get accepted??? i got the same email

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