*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*




Did anyone get in?

Based on last year thread, it seems like ucb wont accept any students or just take a handful of students after extending the time to end of july. Just focus on SIR’d school then

They closed the waitlist. They will not be taking anyone.

Just wondering where everyone saw their rejected status over the last few days, and where is the announcement that waitlist is closed. My account doesn’t have any update at all. Any info greatly appreciated

They sent an email out announcing that they are full and they will be closing the waitlist

I have a uncapped GPA of 4.86 but a capped GPA of only 4.18, mainly because I take a lot of dual enrollment courses to get an AA degree. How would this be seen on my application? TIA

All the UC’s will consider your Unweighted, Capped Weighted and Fully Weighted UC GPA so it will be perceived as having great HS course rigor.

Ok, thank you!