*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Yeah FPF is really ass for STEM… it literally wastes one semester for stem students.

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Yea considered of that I just opt-out from the program and hoping for Traditional Path…I mean if they admit me from the waitlist they would eventually put me back into FPF anyway if Traditional Path is full.

I have a question: If I initially submitted my waitlist application before they extended the deadline for the waitlist till 11:59 PST April 22 and I updated my application before the deadline today, do the admissions officers see that I submitted it today or the one before that? Also, I live in the California and it says I submitted it the 23 but I updated it around 8:30 PST April 22. I’m freaking out right now, can anyone help me out?

It’s okay!! It says before 11:59 Pacific Time, so you’re fine. As for the other part, I wouldn’t sweat it I did the same thing

Oh ok, thank you so much for the reassurance! Does yours say that it got submitted (or updated) on MAP@Berkeley the 23rd?

Yes!! Does yours still say ur original submission date on ur page w the questions?? Mine says submitted 4/14 then on the main portal says 4/23

Yea, my original submission date on page with the question says I submitted on 4/12 and the main portal says 4/23

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Good luck everyone!


exactly 2 weeks before the probable first wave, right ?

Does Berkeley consider sat2 this year?


If I signed up for chemistry but I now want to go into material science and engineering, do you think I should tell my AO? Also, is it hard to transfer in and do you think it is worth it to try if I get off the waitlist?

I cannot tell how hard it is to switch majors into COE but in general, it can be difficult and not guaranteed.

Here is the link for information: Change of college - Berkeley Engineering

You have 2 hurdles to deal with currently:

  1. Get off the waitlist
  2. Try to change majors

I would focus on the other schools in which you have been admitted first, if not admitted into Engineering at the other schools, look at their change of major policies.

Chemistry at coc has one of the highest acceptance rates at Berkeley, and it is very difficult to transfer into coe, so it’s not worth it to change at this time.

Really? Where did you get that info from
COC is defly more competitive than l&s and cnr

COC has the second highest acceptance rate and second lowest yield rate for freshman, and highest acceptance rate and lowest yield rate for transfers. So there’s definitely a chance to get off the waitlist.

I typed confirm in the new box and updated the waitlist form after the deadline passed. Will the AOs view this negatively cuz it says ive submitted it on the 23rd on the portal?

I don’t think so as long as you submitted before the ddl. And I can’t even click the update button now. Does the update work for anyone else?

i can still edit it

The button was locked for me after the ddl lol