*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*


LMAOOO the amount of people on this forum rn @uniballsigno drop the ss

i rlly hope he is trolling man

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i think cc accounts have to be a few days old b4 theyre allowed pics, like when i first made my acc i couldnā€™t insert any pics

yea rip we need to wait for someone else to drop a pic

we donā€™t think there will be any glitches until friday right?

uhh mine just takes me back to the portal lol doesnā€™t say unauthorized or anything

go thru the sign in button. one above new to cal central?

did u sign in using the dropdown menu?

dont select from the drop down menu. Click the blue sign in and on the bottom right it says sign in with map

prayer circle, together monke strong


They can upload to imagur then send the link here, someone did it before and it worked

oh my bad, yeah it says unauthorized for me too. either way, only one person reported it so i donā€™t think it means much for final friday decisions. iā€™d expect at least like 10 active people here to be accepted off the WL


idk man he is instate and its working. lets hope its cap otherwise rip

Imgur is always an option.

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agree-- unless something happens between now and friday, we shouldnā€™t all get freaked out about cal central just yet

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@uniballsigno drop an imagur pic

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Did we know what major he applied to? Iā€™m L&S CS and got unauthorized. I know the different colleges do admissions separately.

lets not get freaked out unless someone elseā€™s cal central works. then ill get scared

i heard some CoC got off already

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