*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*


Oh then nvmā€¦ Idk but some ppl have it some donā€™t for whatever reason. If u do u might wanna consider it

I have both FPF and changemakers check boxes

Any idea why some have only 1?

Maybe cuz changemaker is a bit smaller so not everyone is qualified?

Last year, virtually no one who got in off the WL was offered traditional. It was either FPF or a non-guaranteed spring spot.

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Ahh this is so stressful, itā€™s just unfair to engineering waitlists. We donā€™t have FPF or changemaker, the only option for us is Traditional, which is soo hard to get into. :frowning:

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Both are valid interpretations of the incomplete information we have to work with. Would love all colleges to be more transparent with their processes, but theyā€™re on a mission to optimize their acceptance % and yield, so they donā€™t reveal much at all. UCs are more forthcoming and seem less interested than private schools about protecting their stats, but in this relationships they hold all the cards and keep them very close their vests. As a parent I tried to project what colleges would be doing this year and tried to guide my sonā€™s strategy, but itā€™s been no better than flipping a coin. So frustrated for my boy who has not had a great outcome so farā€¦ Sorry about the rant.

I agree weā€™re just going to have to wait and see but I think waitlist acceptances will increase bc of the large increase in applicants across all schools, out of state students turning down their offers bc of cost, and Berkeleyā€™s tendency to accept a lot of students off the waitlist.

Agreed that would tip thing in the waitlistā€™s favor, but the movement for diversity/equity that seems to be heightened this year will also have influence, and if youā€™re in the overrepresented demographic (like my son) it will have a drag on his chancesā€¦ but fingers-crossed!

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Does anyone know if by checking both FPF and changemakers, I would have to choose one of both if admitted (depending on availability ofc)? Or would I only be admitted and forced to go to one?

You will be able to choose one of both if admitted.

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Why do some people have changemakers and some donā€™t? Is this an indicator of who will get into the school through the waitlist?


Hello guys,

I know I am a bit late to be asking this but I hope to get a little bit of clarification. So from what I understand about appealing a rejection, they say that you ā€œmust provide significant new informationā€. Iā€™ve read through this thread and I think I might have already answered my own question but when they say ā€œnewā€, they donā€™t mean things that have happened after submitting my application, they mean things that you forgot to include or other things right?

I have seen that statement but then Iā€™ve also read things that say you can submit info that has happened after. But I think I might have gotten that confused with what WLs need to do. Anything clarification would be helpful. Thanks.

They meant both. Since the success rate for appeals is only 2%, you must have a REALLY significant change to your profile(international gold metal, A+ on all courses, or a big non-profit startup etc).

Was wondering this too, I only have FPF and applied to L&S

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Sameā€¦I am stressed out by this right now lol

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i think waitlist has more flexibility and can be more like traditional why essay with any new info while an appeal is new info and kinda why you ā€œNEEDā€ to specifically go to that university

When admission results came out, I reached out to the FPF office. I asked if choosing an alternate pathway like FPF will help with the odds of being selected off the waitlist. I was told no, it doesnā€™t help. I would expect it to be the same for ChangeMaker.

ok then Iā€™ll stick with the traditional pathway. There are ppl in my hs who got off the wl with the traditional pathway. So I guess the alternatives donā€™t really matter.

Iā€™ve heard that sometimes UCB starts pulling kids off the waitlist before May 1st. Does anyone know if this is true?

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