UCB or UCD for Natural Resource Management?

SO I just got accepted as a transfer student to both UC Berkeley and UC Davis, as well as Humboldt and Cal Poly for Natural Resource Management/Wildlife Biology. I was pretty set on Berkeley at first, but I’m worried there won’t be as many research/internship opportunities there due to the location and the competitiveness. I’ve heard good things about Davis, but I’m not thrilled on the central valley location (I’m a mountain kinda girl), and I don’t know anything about the ecosystem management program I applied for. Also not ruling Humboldt out either, the area is beautiful and the wildlife biology program I’ve heard is good. Any advice?? Luckily they’ve extended the decision deadline, but I’d like to accept my offer sooner rather than later so I can register for classes and such.

Thanks in advance for your help!
-Hippie Wilderness Lady in Lake Tahoe

Have you compared the curriculum for each school? Do you have a special area of interest?

Are UCB and UCD costs similar? Have you checked the career centers to see the type of postings for internships and jobs?

My older son is a graduate of UCD and majored in Environmental Science and Resource Management. He was able to find a research position and 2 internships before graduating.

Lake Tahoe is around a 1 1/2 hours away from Davis so not bad if you are craving the mountains.

Unfortunately I cannot give you any information about the UCB program.

Best of luck with your decision.