UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

For those of you who got in early or others, when you click “withdraw application” does the text “I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.” come up? I am asking because what the text says was indicative of admission last year


UC Forum Champion note: If you want to discuss portal astrology You or I can start a new discussion thread. Last year this discussion thread was almost shutdown due to the spam posts about this subject.

Thank you.

Edited: started a separate discussion.

You are bold messing around with that withdraw button. I’d be scared to touch it.


100%! imagine a 1-click withdraw! :upside_down_face:


it’s not a 1 click withdraw…if you click the link, it takes you to another page that gives you the prompt


it’s not a 1 click withdraw…if you click the link, it takes you to another page that gives you the prompt


What mine says. I don’t think this means anything since last year the wording was slightly different. I think it was something like
I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to…
this one says no longer interested.


Does any of these mean anything ? What other portal theory is there, or where can I read more?

Check out the 2024 Berkeley thread. It turns out the portal astrology then was 100% accurate.

Can anyone log in with this link? Acc to 2024 Berkeley thread if u can login you are admitted. I hope I can’t log in bcuz results aren’t out…


Did it still work for 2025 or did they catch on and fix it?

Absolutely no idea.

I read through the 2024 berkeley and finally understood what you mentioned in the first place :grinning: Thanks for sharing

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I see “no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley…” stuff

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I guess this indication no longer works

They meant that if are able to login to the link above, you are accepted.BUt probably would work closer to date.

For those who applied to UCLA, some people can still see their majors but other people aren’t able to.

Don’t know if that means anything

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Nvm, false alarm. He was just confused, he can’t see his major.

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sigh. Do I dare post this?
So my son asked me what this dot was on his UCB portal page. Just to the right of the green check. He says it wasn’t there before. And it’s not necessarily a page formatting thing, because it’s showing up the same on different computers/laptops/different monitors.
Neither he nor I have looked at the portal that often, so I’m not sure if this “dot” is new or if it’s been there.
Just stirring up sh**.
Here’s a picture.
note: It is showing up with Google Chrome. NOT on Firefox. Probably a meaningless sign

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It’s been there at least since 2/26

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