UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

We’re looking at a sample size of students really eager to attend Berkeley, and therefore likely to be a part of the applicant pool which was more likely to have tryharded their apps anyway, so I don’t think so, I think these people have legitimately gotten in

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There is an entirely separate, more official thread for perspective freshmen, where decisions should be posted today. I have a feeling that everyone is going to post here instead. (UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion)

EDIT: Don’t post anything astrology related on the above-linked board. It will get moved over here

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See, exactly what I said: attempts to explain away every argument that disproves your fantasies. :slight_smile:

last year, this portal astrology was proven right.


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At College Confidential, we expect discussion to be courteous even when disagreement may be vigorous. When writing your messages, please use the same courtesy that you would show when speaking face-to-face with someone. Flames, insults, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. It’s fine to disagree with opinions, ideas, and facts, but always with respect for the other person. Also, note that messages express the thoughts of the writers, not the community, its owners, staff, or moderators. Visitors who post discourteous messages will be warned; repeat offenders will lose posting rights.


The nice Forum Champions may move; the nasty moderator will delete. It’s luck of the draw who sees it first. :point_up:


lol. Or deleted, I guess.

If inference based on withdrawal button is not indicative of decisions, why are people seeing different pages? Some see “our records indicate that you are not authorized…” while some can access it. Then, is it like a rolling a dice and a complete random that divides people like this?

Moreover, since this indication turned out to be true last year, it is no longer “astrology” but just an early decision. If this is a fresh idea that has never occurred, then yes it is literally unfounded to make this assertion.


it’s only 6 hours away

berkeley students, has a similar situation happened in previous years?

yea last year it did. Those who could not access withdraw page were rejected

I’m class of 2025 and was admitted to Berkeley last year. I heard admissions were coming out today and was curious if there was some portal astrology frenzy going on this year, looks like there is haha. Good luck to all applicants !


Last year goes something like this…
The morning of the release, applicants can click on the withdrawal button and get one of these results…
(I do not recall the exact wording)
1). I do not wish to attend Berkeley (indicates acceptance)
2) I am still interested in attending Berkeley and will like to opt in (waitlist)
3) unauthorized (denial)

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This year it says either unauthorised or I am no longer interested in attending. There’s no 3rd option

Brace yourselves for rejections!

Monday 03/21, I got the “I will not come to Berkeley” but this morning I got " not authorized" when accessing the withdrawal portal. Any idea what’s going on?


I think the data are not realistic. I mean, I understand that the population consists of good students who wishes to join berkeley so it is normal to have some people who can access the withdrawal page

But, what is not normal is the ratio

I’m taking about 64 out of 250 without counting the 36 who can also access it but we don’t know wither they can access the registration page or not.

Last year, we didn’t have such high ratio like this

So I think maybe we should investigate more?

Yes. They exported the decision. Prior to today it was all default to that message.