<p>I want to major in Math, Computer Science, and Minor in Physics. I hate GEs and honestly the sooner i can get out of undergrad school the better. While UCSB doesn’t have nearly the prestige that UCB does, the College of Creative Studies does seem to be at a different level than the rest of the University, especially in my topics of interest. So, if you got to choose, based on the GE requirements, the area where the school is located, the prestige, and all the other factors that come into play when picking schools what would you do and why?</p>

<p>I don’t intend on reading completely biased, ‘my school is of course the best’ comments, nor do i encourage them, i just want to know if CCS compares to an education at Berkeley, or possibly does it trump it?</p>

<p>info on CCS for those unfamiliar:
[College</a> of Creative Studies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/College_of_Creative_Studies]College”>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/College_of_Creative_Studies)</p>

<p>Dude, you are like my twin as far as academic plans go. I also want to major in math/com sci, and maybe minor in physics or lit (not quite decided yet). I have also, for the longest time, wondered which of the two is better. I mean Berkeley is Berkeley, but CCS has something about it…I dunno, it seems truly different. Personally, having been to both campuses, I felt the people at Cal and the general vibe was more interesting and artsy than at SB. I love to paint so it happened to fit my personality very well. However, the small classes, personal attention, and freedom of the students at CCS is REALLY tempting. I dunno, I wonder what other people have to say. I have talked to math majors at CCS and they ALL seem to love it. No one regrets it. They say it’s a great experience. So, I don’t know. SB DOES have a good name in physics, it’s just not as KNOWN as Berkeley. </p>

<p>Are you a transfer or freshman? I don’t know why you dislike GE’s so much. I think they’re actually quite interesting. They make you a round individual and make you sound smart when talking to people without sounding boring or condescending. :slight_smile: That’s always a plus.</p>

<p>I would pick UCB over UCSB. Ok, I guess I would fall under “my school the best” category, but I’m not in the school yet :D(attending this fall unless I decide UCSD, and didn’t get a choice for UCSB since i got rejected there -.-). I personally like UCSB campus alot better than UCB though(From bay area and I’ve seen UCB countless times <.<) UCB is in a kinda hippieish town(not sure if that’s a good thing or not) It is around 15-30 mins away from SF though so if you want good places to shop, it’s close :D(just cross the bridge). In terms of the majors prestige, UCB is pretty much top 10 in every major(definitely business, engineering, pre-med?except maybe like art and some other ones) The school is predominantely Asian so I guess you could assume it’s a very competitive environment :O?</p>

<p>UCSB by far is a nicer looking campus. It’s next to a beach cmon :D. The only con I have against the school is it is kind of far from any other major cities such as LA or Bay area(SF). :frowning: so if you get bored of SB, you can’t go really anywhere -.-. I’ve also heard UCSB has a VERY good physics prgm, not sure how it stacks up :/. I have to say UCSB is one of the most underrated UCs though <.<. It is definitely a party school no doubt(but I did receive a booklet from them saying they had 5 nobel prize winners there so they must be super smart partiers :)?) The school is predominantely White :).</p>

<p>Overall, theyre both good choices. Even though most people would think you’re crazy debating over this(they would say go to UCB) I’d recommend checking both schools out, and choosing yourself :). Sometimes the best school isnt the “one which is good at everything”. Remember college experience is once in a lifetime experience ^^.</p>

<p>Wow lol I was rejected from UCB and accepted to UCSB regents, but the UCSB campus did not impress me (except for the fact that its next to the ocean). Then which one is superior in academics is obvious. I wish I was in your shoes, I would love to go to UCB.</p>

<p>^Keep in mind the debate is between Berkeley and the College of Creative Studies at UCSB, not the regular Letters & Sciences. The stats of admits to the College of Creative Studies is about equivalent to Berkeley and UCLA. Carol Greider, a Nobel prize winner last year, was a 1983 grad of CCS for example. I’d guess you’d get more research opportunities than at Berkeley based on how the department is set up.</p>


<p>Well, if you’re trying to go to grad school, especially to get a PhD, then I would highly, highly recommend the CCS at UCSB. Its pretty much a requirement that you do research in your particular field and get publications to graduate from CCS, which are extremely important for grad school admissions.</p>

<p>The better news is that CCS has almost no GEs. You take a few very very basic ones, which if you got a 4 or higher on either English test, and a 3 or higher on the US History or Gov test, I believe you test out of them. I think you also have one ethnicity requirement or something… its essentially nothing though.</p>

<p>The quality of education is fantastic in CCS too. You get ridiculously high attention, the student to faculty ratio is like 3:1 or something like that. In addition, you have amazing perks, like you can take any class without having taken the pre-reqs for it, you sign up for your classes first, you get to take graduate courses as well. Also, a 3-year degree in Math is very possible (probably harder if you’re double majoring… but still). And you have no unit cap, like all the other Colleges/UCs. I mean… you technically do, but its 95 units or something crazy like that. Its awesome. </p>

<p>If you go to CCS, I guarantee you won’t regret it. That being said, Berkeley is a fantastic school too, and I’m sure you won’t regret it either.</p>