**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Please post any questions regarding the UCB waitlist here.

2019 Waitlist stats:
Waitlist offers: 7,535
Waitlist opt-ins: 3,975
Waitlist admits: 1,094

Best of luck to all.

Hi @Gumbymom I was just waitlisted at UCB for CS in the college of Letters and Sciences! I’m definitely going to opt into the waitlist. I know that inputting 7th semester grades is optional, and last semester, I got lower grades in a couple of classes than I would have liked. Should I still input my 7th semester grades? Would they care a lot if I didn’t?

My son is in a similar situation as @gumbymom. He has some higher grades but had a bad grade that is lowering his GPA. Not sure what to do. If you don’t include they may assume you had lower grades, but not sure. I suggest that you both take time to write a strong essay

@Bbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbd @2024gradmom:

Unfortunately optional can be an double edge sword. You want to give UCB a reason to accept you off the waitlist but not hurt your chances. It really depends what are “lower grades” or a “bad grade”.

The provisional admission contract for UCB is maintaining a 3.0 Unweighted GPA, no more than 2 C’s Senior year and no D’s or F’s. If you or your student meet these requirements, I would submit the grades but that is my opinion and unfortunately I do not work in admissions.

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If I forgot to submit the official scores and ended up getting waitlisted, would that have been a factor for why?

DS got waitlisted for MCB in Letters and Sciences.

Hi @Gumbymom I was waitlisted by UCB and I will probably be filling out the waitlist form this week or next week. I am just wondering that the form only provided enough space to report six classes, do I only report the top six classes of my senior year? And do we report only final grades or do we also report the interim grades for our second-semester classes? Thanks!!

@Xiao23: You would report your 7th semester or Mid-year senior grades for your a-g courses listed on your UC application. Only report what shows up on your transcript.

@Gumbymom Is there any speculation about more movement on the waitlist this year with COVID-19 or according to the number of students who applied.

hello everyone! i was recently waitlisted at berkeley, and three more UCs - SD, SB, and Irvine. i am a bit confused on how to approach these waitlist decisions. i opted in for all of them, but i heard from a Davis waitlisted student last year who actually got accepted that i could send in a letter of continued interest to set myself apart from the other waitlist candidates. i wasn’t sure if an appeal is the same things as this letter of continued interest. i hope you guys can help answer some of my questions. thank u!

@Gumbymom Is it okay to state that I am interested in a different major than the one I already applied for(its within the same college- CAS), or do u think that the admissions committee will only consider me for the original major?

Hey fellow Waitlisters! I am wondering if everyone has the selection for Hong Kong and London? Also, I would love to go to either of those programs or be selected for regular fall admission! Considering that, should I apply to all three or just the two abroad options to heighten my chances of getting in one?
Thanks and good luck!!

I got the selection for London/ Global Edge. But I was wondering since I applied to the Global Management Program if they waitlisted me to GMP or to L&S? Because I thought all GMP applicants were considered for L&S, and I received an interview for GMP. Good luck :slight_smile:

@onthatgrind: No one knows what is going to happen with the Corona virus situation so I cannot comment on how this effect on school admissions and the waitlist.

@evysee: The College of Letters and Sciences does not admit by major and students are free to change majors, so if you have interest in another major then you can talk about it.

For waitlisted students, do we have the traditional pathway? Or we can only choose from FPF and global?

Hi all, I was wondering if opting in to the FPF increases chances for acceptance significantly. If I do not opt into this can they still offer me a place in the program if that is my only option? I would prefer to not be in FPF, but if it’s my only option I would consider. Thank you!

@aiuhioas I think that we are able to click neither box for FPF or global, but I’m not sure if that greatly affects one’s chances of getting in. Wondering if anyone has insight into that.

Son is on the Cal Waitlist
Public HS
3.7 HS GPA
4.1 Weighted
1390 SAT (670M 740 V)
EC’s all arts-based, very focused and strong (I believe)
Essays very strong and original.

@Gumbymom thank you for setting up this great forum. UCB is my son’s #1 choice. Question: The original personal insight questions recommended originality and a unique approach in the writing in an effort to stand out (which he tried to do with his answers) . With this waitlist essay, would you recommend a similar strategy, or should he go with more of a straightforward, non-nonsense list of updates? Thank you

@scrambro: I would use the waitlist essay more as a Why UC Berkeley essay and show them why you would be an asset to the UCB campus and community.