**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Can somebody pls explain the Fall Program For Freshmen in detail? Is it on campus? How long is it? What are the pros and cons?

i think itā€™s over, especially for OOS L&S.


I actually did not send any additional emails after May 1, but was wondering. I did submit a question at the website you mentioned, asking if I would get into contact with my regional officer (this was right after RD decisions came out). They responded to me saying to just use the opt-in form, and that my regional officer was not involved in this (?). So I just sent the opt-in waitlist form and that was it. I was also accepted today through an email update.

@Columbus169 could you not just look it up ffs

@kash123 I think they just sent out a wave of emails to people about an hour ago because that is what I got

@FallAutumnLeaf - wait why do u think it is over for oos LS? There should def be another wave right for oos.

@Columbus169 https://fpf.berkeley.edu/

I was just admitted in state for L&S. I was only offered FPF and GE, but Iā€™ll be going to UCLA. I hope one of you can take my spot because you all deserve it! Good luck!

I think itā€™s pretty obvious that UCB was gonna accept mainly IS than OOS, and usually once past the first wave, the other waves are slim to none for schools like UCB caliber

Hey guys! I was fortunately admitted to Cal!
I received an email at around 2:05 pm that thereā€™s an update on my application. I am an in-state L&S student and I did select FPF and Global Edge. These pathways are the only ones being offered to me. Berkeley is such a reach to me, so Iā€™m crazy surprised that I actually got in.

Iā€™ve been stalking this page for a whileā€¦
Just got in OOS L&S FPF
Good Luck Everyone :slight_smile:

do you actually mean just now? or in the earlier 2:05 wave

So not one EECS opening? If no other wave is on the horizon, doing UW CS will be an easy choice and more than half the cost.

@FallAutumnLeaf - I honestly donā€™t think it was obvious at all lol. I might just be biased rn but like it had been a theme throughout this discussion that oos/intl would be mostly accepted due to the tuition costs and all that stuff. Iā€™m still not giving up. hopefully, this next wave is big with oos.

Does anyone know how many COE applicants got off the waitlist last year? Really starting to feel like there are very limited spots for us :frowning:

I really hope thereā€™s immediately an OOS/Intā€™l and remaining IS wave right after this one like tomorrow yk

This is of great help. Thanks.

can someone contact admissions about the possibility of another wave? Or does anyone have any info about that?

@nkaoetn381 im pretty sure we will still have another wave there are people declining their offers to go to other schools

OOS L&S with no update