**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

It might stand to reason that traditional paths requiring being on campus including CoE and EECS may have spots in their program, but will sacrifice filling them for the greater good of keeping dorm capacity for other non freshmen students, including the study abroad rank.

@scrambro I’m guessing what your friend means is that they don’t need to fill up traditional pathways because they are more financially stable than previously anticipated. The study abroad students are now paying at Cal, so they don’t need to accept a bunch of WL applicants to fill up bank. Bummer, considering this is what a lot of OOS/Intl kids were relying on.

But Berkeley would lose tuition from those exchange students who come to their campus.

I feel like it balances out tho between students staying that were supposed to study abroad and exchange students that were supposed to study at berkeley.

Im a bit confused but I’m assuming berk offered 600 kids admission the first wave. Based on how many is left, they’ll turn to the WL and start accepting more?

So maybe like 300-400 kids accept fpf and theres only 200 sports left
 sigh I’m never gonna get off am i? I’m an intl :frowning: the pain i feel rn

@scrambro Thank you so much for all your help! If possible, could you update us later on the FPF remaining spots on 5/15?

would there be no more international students that would get off the waiting list?

Got off the WL today
L&S CS, OOS, offered FPF and GEL only.

Any thoughts on if FPF is a deal-breaker if I want to major in CS?

commit to a school. no use hoping. i for one fell in love with the school i was supposed to go to anyway—waitlists are unpredictable, messy, and a lot of the people i know who got in through WL today had lower stats than i expected from cal students. i don’t know what’s going on, but there’s no use in being anxious and hoping. try to move on.

@scrambro wait, so there’s still 641 spots left in the FPF??

my friends who got into berk thru regular admissions told the AOs that they cancelled their AP tests and the AOs were chill with it. i emailed my AO about cancelling my ap tests today, but unfortunatly won’t hear back till monday. did anybody else email their AO? are we good?


I know a friend who canceled all his AP tests, and was still able to attend last year. You’re chill pretty sure.

It’s interesting that the number of spots rose from 599 to 641 in 2 hours. I do feel like they’re adding more or something.

Any news on what happening with CoE??

I believe that those 641 spots are to be filled by some students that were accepted today, and then additionally by students from subsequent waves. 641 is a lot of spots.

Yeah, that was something that I never considered. Dang. However, I believe that FPF is next to empty at this point. They need to fill those spots. 600+ is a lot

We’ll have to accept one of those spots fairly soon. Hopefully I can still access the number of remaining spots after accepting.

Thanks so much for your reply and all the information you have got to us!

So, the admitted are offered pathways other than FPF. Or they decline the offers?

your info is very helpful. and I thought the ONLY disadvantage is FPF requested more fee, 2K $, and others condition is same with traditional way?

@scrambro not sure if anyone else has asked this yet, but can you ask your source if the second wave will be more L&S focused or will have more non-L&S (like CoE) admits? also could you ask if this wave was smaller or larger compared to the first wave of previous years?