**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

^To that point any ideas as to whether it will be more IS or OOS/Intl focused or an mix of all three?

Thank you so much for this information! @scrambro

any chance of a wave over the weekend? i know ucla has been doing then pretty frequently

@medeaofcolchis I’d guess no because I don’t think the office of admission is open over the weekend

I got in earlier today(:. A biology major in L & S with 1190 SAT and 4.27 weighted GPA (in-state). So happy
do not worry guys, there will be one more wave I’m sure.

@vibez8 hi congratulations! I was wondering if you were accepted for FPF or GE or the traditional pathway?

Anybody knows about when UCB usually started the second wave in the past few years?

@doudoubean a week after the first wave. The next wave should come on Friday.

Are there glitches for the second wave or is it spontaneous from now? Won’t even ask about the size because it’s too unpredictable.

I am international student who did not get off the wait list from the first wave. Do you know if they selected all the students needed to fill the class from first wave, thus second wave will be to fill spots where first wave wait-list students did not enroll? Or are further waves not related to first wave as there are still spots available regardless of who enroll from first wave?

Also it seems like not many OOS/Intl got off the wait list (is this true?) If so, any ideas on this?

@richbilly I’d guess that they released the first wave in order to fill the entire class, and all following offers are just to fill up remaining spots. It doesn’t make sense for them to release little by little (unless they truly want to torture us).

I’m also an international who didn’t get off. There seems to be an international acceptance for every rejection on CC/reddit/my school. Today was the big wave, and we wiped out. It just do be like that sometimes.


I also agree that it wouldn’t make sense for them to release little by little but isn’t this what other UCs including UCLA is doing right now? It seems like there is at least small wave of decision every 2-3 days for them.

I didn’t know if a lot of intl students were accepted as from CC, it seems like there are only around 10 intl students who got off the wait list.

Btw which major/program did you apply for?

I was really expecting wait list acceptance at Cal would go up greatly this year. I hope we still have chance and make it.

@richbilly Berkeley seems to be doing things differently to LA though. They seem to be following the same pattern as previous years. I really do hope they release little waves frequently, but I’m not hoping for anything at the moment.

However, the Berkeley FB group only went up by around 200 people today, so that’s some food for thought.

While around 10 intl students got off, there are only around 10 intl students who didn’t get off according to the poll on page 97 (post 1922). That’s around half and that’s what I’d expected to happen considering the enrollment numbers were so low for us this year.

I applied to CS, never had any glitches on my portal ever. No address glitch, no 2 links, no admit faq, etc. Wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t even reached my application yet tbh.

Good luck buddy. We’re all hurting rn.

@Dan2elCh5 thanks for information! I also didn’t have any glitch or some kind of change in my portal and I hope they didn’t reach mine yet. Yep Good luck and hope we make it!

Btw, would you mind asking which country you are from and where are you applying from?

@harvardptonwlboi @kash123 @yczhou777 @Dan2elCh5 @collegeappacc @plsadmitthanks @griffen14 @stcloud9 @richbilly @RifaSanj Sorry to include a bunch of people on this, I just wanted to update.

-The 641 available spots in FPF that I saw yesterday is still sitting at 641. I am starting to think that it will not change on our Pathway selection form, even if other people start to select FPF. I think that is because we looked at it once yesterday and it was at 648. We read through it for about 15 minutes, then clicked “Save For Later” at the bottom. Then it changed to 641 and hasn’t moved since. If there is anyone else that has access to this sheet, it might be good to know if they have a different number. I even clicked the “save for later” button again, and the number 641 did not change, so basically I think 641 is not accurate.

-In terms of the next wave, last year it came on May 16th, 2019, a Thursday. It might make sense that this year’s next wave would be on May 17th, 2020 (because wave one was on the 8th). HOWEVER, Wave 2 may actually be on May 19th, 2020. That is because LAST year you had until May 13th, 2019 to accept (a Monday) and then wave 2 came on May 16th 2019 (a Thursday). UCB needed 3 business days from the deadline to respond until they released wave 2.
THIS year, you have until May 14th, 2020 to accept the WL offer for Wave 1. But May 16th, 2020 is a Saturday. 3 BUSINESS days from the acceptance deadline of May 14, 2020 would be May 19th, 2020.

-In terms of WHO will be included in Wave 2, I did follow up and I sent my friend a text asking if HE could ask his contact for more information. I haven’t heard back, but I suppose that UCB will look through who accepts and who doesn’t accept in wave 1 in order to determine if more OOS/Intl/IS and L&S/CoE/CNR/CoC etc need to be included in wave 2. THAT is probably why they took 3 business days between wave 1 and wave 2 last year. So not even the UCB admissions group knows who will be included in wave 2 YET.

Of course, this is a weird year, and things might change, but so far, Berkeley has been rigid in their process, and haven’t sent out 7-8 waves like UCLA.

@scrambro Thanks dude, you’ve been really helpful throughout. Nice to see a chap who genuinely cares about suffering kids lmao.

@scrambro Thank you so much for all the info you’ve given us so far. Oh and congratulations to you and your son! :slight_smile:

so the next wave is going to be the real deal. we either make it or its bust. I don’t think UCB would release any further waves considering their class is mostly full already.

I think UCB is trying to reduce their waitlist acceptance rate. 2017 it was around 54%, 37% in 2018 and 27% in 2019. Probably aiming for 17% this year lol

Wasn’t last year exceptional because they over-enrolled, thus leading to low wait list acceptance rate? (Correct me if I am wrong)