**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@scrambro My daughter was trying to accept her waitlist offer right before I posted the 555 FPF/74 GE update. She wasn’t able to complete the acceptance and when she logged back in about an hour later, the number changed to 552 FPF/74 GE. Now that she has accepted her offer, it appears the available spots are not updating.

For those of you who have done FPF, are the teachers regular UC Berkeley teachers? And would FPF be always mentioned on our degree? Also would FPF be carried for all four years of our degree?

@Columbus169 You could look FPF up on google and find all of those answers.

Someone who has done FPF did say that the teachers are regular Berkeley teachers. The only differences between FPF and traditional are that you will have your classes in a different building and that you will have limited courses to choose from. Everything else including housing, dining, and other regular Berkeley student stuff will remain the same.

No, FPF will not be mentioned in your degree. It is not much of a significant change worth mentioning in your overall degree.

Nope. FPF (Fall Program for Freshman) is literally only for the fall semester of your freshman year. The rest of your years at Berkeley will be the same as everyone else’s.

@Columbus169 You can literally find all that information on line if you just look it up

should i edit my waitlist opt-in and select fpf?

@wannabebear Someone said it doesn’t matter ‘cause if you’re L&S and you get in, you’ll get FPF or GEL anyway.

Any statistics for the CoC? It seems that two (I think I saw two IS) that were admitted. Do you guys think that as an international, there is still a chance to be admitted for CoC?

Can somebody please respond to my question regarding the COE applicants chances. My questions about this keep getting ignored.

@yerbaddict I’m pretty sure it has been answered before. In years past, and likely this year as well, it is much more difficult to get off the WL for the CoE. The yield is much higher since its a more ‘desirable’ program, thus not many are selected from the waitlist. I wouldn’t say its IMPOSSIBLE, but don’t be too hopeful.

it depends on how many spots are left for the college. Usually, LS has the most spot openings among the other colleges which is why LS waitlist usually gets in. I am not aware of the number of opening spots left for the other colleges like Coc or CoE. This next wave will be primarily focused on filling the remaining spots they have available so all you can do is hope for the best.

Anyone got an updated count on FPF numbers?

@scrambro Thanks so much for your thought on this.

I suspect once you accept your pathway (FPF/GE)…your “count” no longer updates…ie freezes.

My daughter has not decided yet so I am checking the count periodically while she is researching FPF as she did not opt in for those on the WL…but that is what all L and S are being offerred from WL.

Current count FPF: 542 GE: 74

It might be that Berkeley RD this year is more aggressive than previous years. But on consideration of rankings, Berkeley could not be too aggressive.

I hopefully will have an update on Monday.

I am hoping that there are about 400-500 spots left for fpf for the next wave. Anyone think that is realistic or is that a reach? Also does anyone know if UCB fills up their Global edge program as well. In my waitlist form, I only selected fpf but at this point I would not mind the global edge program if I do happen to get in.

I am looking forward to your update. Thanks.


For context, I just spoke with a friend who got off last year. They said there was about 380 spots left when she SIRd the day after (in FPF). There was a fairly large second wave of admits last year. Most people SIR pretty soon after getting an acceptance so I predict FPF+GE>500. after the SIRs roll in. Prolly 100-120 more SIRs.

Thank you so much. If you have anything right now, let us know if an In State L and S student has reasons to hope. Thanks.

I know a lot of people have questions about fpf that have been answered a million times. If you go on their website they’re having an informational session (online!!) on May 13 that you can register for. Go on the website and sign up so you can get some questions answered! https://fpf.berkeley.edu/events

@scrambro could you ask your contact if all the CoE/EECS spots are already filled up from the first wave?