**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@nkaoetn381 I don’t actually know that it was tiny; it is speculation of course. But from the number of people who got accepted here and cross analyzing with other forums where only a few individuals stated that they got off instead a hefty amount makes me believe that the first wave was small. That doubled with the fact that there are only 3k (I think this was the number) on the official Berkeley FB page makes me think (read: want to believe) that they are still under-enrolled and they didn’t pull a lot the first wave.

But this is all speculation and me being hopeful in the end. I hope my train of logic is right!!

Not this friday? May 15th?

considering that the accepted first wave have until end of Thursday, they probably need some time to figure out how many spots they have, and who to accept.

I saw so little EECS or CoE kids get off the waitlist this last wave, and they don’t have the non traditional pathway options. I’m currently thinking an OOS EECS is equally as unlikely as being on Wharton WL. Oh well.

@west2east20 I pray that the minimal amount of kids that got off for CoE the last wave means that Cal didn’t have a CoE wave yet but I guess we’ll see in a week! I’m so nervous. Cal is driving me insane!

does anyone have any glitches right now?

I think the number of spots left at the end of tomorrow should give us a good picture on how big or small the waves will be because most people that really want to go would have committed by now. From a biased perspective, I hope they take a lot of oos/intl but I am rooting for all of us here including IS people. We just need to pull through this week and hope for the best for the next wave.

OK. So after a long talk with my parents, I’ve decided to pull out of all w/ls. I am committed to UMICH. I’m not really sure I want to start over mentally loving a new school. So Good luck and good bye all. Time to get off cc, finish AP exams and put this intense year in the past

@mathcsb Good Luck at UMich!!!

@mathcsb were you in state or OOS?

wow @jaffa1
Thank You!!

Would you mind sharing how big the second and third waves will be, since the first one was small, and it seems like UCB will have a very incomplete class?

I don’t think the first wave was small. Is there any evidence that it was relatively small because if we are just basing it off of this thread, it is a very small sample size. I don’t think we actually know how many people got off the first wave. I hope the second wave is pretty big as right now just based off the number there is still more than 500 spots left for LS(FPF and GE combined)

@jaffa1 do you have any thoughts on them having a CoE wave (especially since so little people got in during the first wave)? Your input is much appreciated!

@eeee2618 OOS… GL

wait i still dont get why everyone thinks the next wave is next week… no one thinks it’ll be on friday?

i think they need more time to decide since Thursday is the deadline for SIR for the first wave. I would assume they would take Friday to decide and then release them on Monday. Also considering how late it is already I would assume there would only be one more wave of acceptances as after that It will be the end of may. At that point it is probably just rejections.

Do those in L&S who didn’t select FPF or Global Edge have a chance to get in any future wave(s) or is it significantly lower than those who did select FPF/Global Edge?

Note: I updated my Wait List Opt-in form (selected FPF) and emailed Berkeley Admissions asking whether or not this update would be noted, to which they replied “we use the information from the original form submission.”

@berkeleyfiend I’m almost positive it doesn’t matter. I didn’t select either option when I opted in but got off the waitlist Friday. At this point you can only just wait:)

Unfortunately, I have no idea of the size of the remaining two waves, or which college/major spots need to be filled. But nothing will happen until Monday or Tuesday.

This might sound absurd but but but… did anyone notice below the “Questions? Click here for Decision Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)” part an unusual large yellow part??? like before i think it was closer without any gaps. Does everyone has this or am i going crazy