**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@jaffa1 I contacted them and they said to leave them blank!

@collegeappacc Unfortunately, they have not reached back. I have decided to omit my elective class (that being Orchestra, since I donā€™t plan on pursuing music in college).

@hollymin leave what blank, the entire grades section??

@collegeappacc the OP said they functioned on a traditional semester schedule and only had ā€œfallā€ term grades. UCB said it was fine to leave the winter (and spring) grades blank if we do not have them.

However, with our situation of not having enough spaces for our classes, I am just going to omit my elective class that I do not view as important as my other classes!

Iā€™m a bit confused with the pathways-- if we plan on doing the ā€œnormalā€ undergraduate program, are we supposed to check off Fall Program for Freshman, or leave all three boxes blanks? Apparently FPF is a different program?

@hollymin ohhh okay I misunderstood. You havenā€™t contacted them regarding our situation right. having 7 classes. I may have to omit one class.

@collegeappacc I did contact them about our situation, but they havenā€™t responded unfortunately :confused:

@hollymin ok, thanks. From my understanding/ talking with ppl who got off WL, FPF greatly reduces your chances of getting for traditional pathway, and doesnā€™t really give you a huge boost in WL admissions - itā€™s just another option, and you can be offered it w/o marking. For this reason, I likely wonā€™t be marking it.

@collegeappacc @hollymin Iā€™m only speculating here, but I would guess that if there is space in ANY of the pathways, all choices would be offered to those admitted. Most likely in the first wave, thereā€™d be space in all pathways. By the second wave, some of those pathways (traditional) would probably have dried up, leaving only something like FPF and London available. If you mark one or both of those, would it not make sense that you might get an opportunity to enroll over someone who did not mark one of those pathways? At the 2nd wave, UCB would be pretty much trying to fill whatever they can, and could select someone who they think will most likely enroll.

Iā€™ve read some posts on the UCLA waitlist thread that indicate you are not allowed/supposed to update your waitlist essay after you initially submit it. Do you guys know if this is true? Because Iā€™ve updated the essay and resubmitted my waitlist form multiple times as Iā€™ve wanted to edit/revise it.

i updated mine as well

@griffen14 has to be fine, worst case they use our original essay, THEY give the option to edit lol

@scrambro Well, hereā€™s why Iā€™m saying what Iā€™ve been saying, since I had a few friends who all got off Berkeleys waitlist in the first wave. Those who marked FPF were offered FPF or GE, one of my friends who did not, was offered all 3, so I think not marking it helps traditional chances.

@collegeappacc youā€™re probably right. Weā€™re (my son and I) looking at it as sort of a hail mary, where itā€™s like - Heā€™ll take what he can get. If he gets into FPF for one semester, it wonā€™t be the end of the world, and if thereā€™s any inkling that it will help a little, then heā€™s gonna go for it. (For the record, I canā€™t imagine that the London program is going to happen, and he didnā€™t select the Hong Kong program)

now itā€™s all about the waiting game. hopefully, most of us are successful in getting in off this waitlist

So would it be better to not mark the FPF pathway if I prefer the traditional pathway? Iā€™m getting mixed responses and Iā€™m not sure what to do.

@hopefulacademic - there is no definite answer cuz no one really knows whether marking it or not would affect your chances for a traditional pathway. Itā€™s up to you if you want to mark them or not.

Yeah thatā€™s true, if you donā€™t mind me asking are you marking the pathway? My stats fall on the lower end of Berkeleyā€™s spectrum but I believe I was able to write a solid essay and my ECā€™s are what definitely help me out. Hopefully we can get off the waitlist!!

@hopefulacademic I agree with kash123, didnā€™t mark FPF since some of my friends truly suffered in FPF and said Berkeley WL offers a good chance at tradition as well. Ofc, we arenā€™t sure, but I strongly prefer traditional so didnt mark it lol.

@Gumbymom What should I do if I am waitlisted for the College of Chemistry but I meant to apply for the College of Letters & Science? I only just realized :frowning: Is there a way to change it?