**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Shoot. I have a strong feeling that the address glitch means you will get in.

Maybe it only happens to some people’s portals. How many people have the glitch right now, and how many of you guys who have it right now have had it before. Some people’s portals never had a glitch right. Do we still have hope? Very nervous.

@harvardptonwlboi we’ve discussed the address glitch many times and there’s proof it doesn’t mean anything. don’t get unnecessarily anxious, it’ll be fine.

@Cestdingue - That’s great. Just a note, your daughter should withdraw from the waitlist if she is sure she is not going to attend. That way maybe one extra person can get off the waitlist during wave 2. Congrats once again.

I have the address glitch for the first time (at least it is the first time I have noticed it).

I know everyone says that these address glitches don’t mean anything, but it seems that they only occur in the days leading up to decisions.

@jaffa1 any idea what it could mean.

Well, I think that’s the second wave. I feel like I’m the only in state who doesn’t have the glitch, and this isn’t looking too good. I guess I’m not off on the second wave either.

what does the address glitch and faq glitch mean? how do you know that it has a glitch?

instate with the 4 address glitch

instate and i’ve never had any glitches. no 4 address glitch either. beginning to think im probably not gonna get off :neutral:

can someone explain what this glitch means? is it an early indication of getting off waitlist?

It means nothing. Last year there was no correlation between the address glitch and acceptances. Also someone mentioned earlier on the thread that the Berkeley twitter tweeted last year that it didn’t mean anything. You guys are over analyzing everything unnecessarily.

OK, I am in state and have the 4 address glitch right now. BUT, I also had it around the time I submitted my waitlist opt in, and then it went away. I really don’t think it means anything at all.

What even is the 4 ADDRESS GLITCH everyone is talking about?

exactly what it sounds like. there are four addresses in the “verify address” box instead of two. although i’ve never actually seen or had it happen on my portal

So, after some rigorous research, talking to a bunch of current Cal and Davis students, visiting both (empty) campuses, and some serious soul searching about what I want in a pre-med program and in a school, I have decided that even if I got off the waitlist at Cal, I would still choose Davis. So, I am withdrawing from the waitlist. I really hope all of you that want to go to Cal get off in the next wave!!

Bruh i stg if this address glitch actually means anything…

Do most of yall have 4 addresses right now?

Was there anyone with 2 addresses that got off for the first wave?

@gamingftw453 any changes? My portal is the same as it was on March 26.

I have the 4 address glitch now but never had it before. Pretty sure it doesn’t mean anything tho

I am oos and I have never had any glitches and idk what this means.