**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@nkaoetn381 @gamingftw453 - I thought we were not supposed to like email or reach out to them because I heard they don’t consider it as like demonstrated interest. But honestly right now if there is a way to show interest I would because like most of you I would do anything to get in.

For those desiring that the 2nd wave come out on Friday–it absolutely will not. It is not coming until Monday or Tuesday. They need time to analyze the responses to the 1st wave. They want a specific number of incoming freshman in each college and major. They therefore have to study the yield for the 1st wave to determine how many offers to send to sociology majors, etc. in the 2nd wave.


  1. Would that mean that the address glitch is completely meaningless in this context if they haven't decided who'd getting off on the second wave.
  2. Do you have any idea what the address glitch could mean
  3. Doesn't L and S admit to the college, not the major, so why would that matter?


Also, how are they sure of a third wave? Is that confirmed, because I’m losing hope due to this glitch :frowning:

I feel like we have talked about the address glitch enough. There is overwhelming evidence including a statement directly from Berkeley that it is completely MEANINGLESS. Can we please move on from talking about the glitch

Wait so would UCB not necessarily fill up all their spots for GE and fpf? I was kind of counting on them doing that because that would give more of a chance for the people to get in. I am a molecular bio major. Does anyone know if a lot of spots for this major have been taken up already?

Like this post if ur a poli sci major

@harvardptonwlboi I know nothing about the glitches.

The numbers within L & S matter. If they didn’t look at majors, they could inadvertently end up with 2000 physics majors and 0 women’s studies majors. The school has told Admissions to admit a balanced class.

hold up if they only offer you admission in terms of fpf and GE for LS doesn’t that mean you go in as undeclared for LS?

lol rip me for public health then

@jaffa1 -I am hoping you could answer this question . You previously said that they have to see which college and which majors need more people. I get why they would want to fill up spots for a certain college but why by major? If they are only admitting by fpf and GE for LS then doesn’t that mean you are undeclared for LS??

@harvardptonwlboi I did not have the address glitch and got off the waitlist on the first wave. Do not fret.

can everyone stop tweakin about the address glitch. thanks.

also based on what @jaffa1 said does anyone know how hard it is to transfer between nonimpacted majors in L&S? Global studies to Poli Econ for example

Does anyone have updated counts of the spots available?

Yo did anyone get off waitlist for cog sci L&S since apparently now the major kinda matters LOL

FPF: 355
GE: 72

By tomorrow only about 350 people total would have enrolled for FPF, GEL. This indicates that admission was only granted to at most 800 people. Are we sure nobody was offered traditional paths?

I’m pretty sure I remember a few people saying they were offered traditional.

Traditional pathway was not offered to any L & S student. Am I right about that? That’s what I’m hearing

Yo someone told me they got off today for like engineering/business? Are they lying?