**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

someone got off today?? there is no way

yea thats what I thought it makes no senseā€¦

@scrambro some L&S admits were offered traditional pathway

Does everyone who had the address glitch still have it?

@harvardptonwlboi no more glitch for me

@harvardptonwlboi - dude can u chill. have u even read the past posts regarding the address glitch? It literally doesnā€™t mean anything so stop thinking about it.

Do you guys think there will be a good amount of Computer Science majors offered admission off the Waitlist in the coming waves? Did any CS majors receive admission in the first wave?

CS is a really popular major so Iā€™d guess itā€™s pretty low in demand from the waitlist. Iā€™m also CS and hoping for the best right now. Good luck!

Iā€™m stressing because my portal says I opted in ā€œApril 16thā€ even though an email from UCB says I submitted it ā€œApril 15thā€ aka before the 11:59 pm deadline

You guys talk a lot about glitches.
My random thing to talk about today:


Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) guaranteed admission to participating UC campuses for the top 4 percent of graduates from most California high schools.
Barely eligible: replaced with 4th%
barely ineligible: replaced with 4.1%
Replaced just because itā€™s confusing
The point is that weā€™re comparing the person who was the 4th% in their class and could go to a UC to the person who was 4.1% in their class and couldnā€™t go to a UC. Top 4% at the best school in California is very different than top 4% at the worst school in California. This is mostly about the effect on the top 4% of people at the worst schools in California. They would normally not get into a UC, but for these 10 years, they get in. People are always worried about getting in off the waitlist at Berkeley and not being able to keep up. And yes, itā€™s hard, and yes this paper says the 4th% people are more likely to not major in STEM, but going to a UC over a CSU or CC if you just barely got into a UC raises earnings by 15,000$ a year.

Edited abstract:

I begin by showing that ELC eligibility increased 4th% applicantsā€™ likelihood of enrolling at four selective UC campuses by 6 percentage points, all of whom would have otherwise enrolled at a less-selective public college or university in California. Overall, 4% ELC participants had higher five-year graduation rates than 4.1% students by 22 percentage points, and 4% participants from low-performing high schools had $15,000 higher annual California earnings in their mid-20s compared to their 4.1% peers. ELC participants who would have otherwise enrolled at community colleges or Californiaā€™s least-selective public universities benefited the most from UC enrollment under ELC. These results suggest that ELC participants substantially gained from increased overall university quality despite having lower average SAT scores than their UC peers by almost 300 points, dispelling concerns about mismatched university ā€˜fitā€™ for the targeted high-GPA low-SAT applicants.

what is the current amount of fpf and ge spots left?

Is there an ā€œAOSā€ for India?

Does anyone know the current amount of fpf and ge spots left?

like this message, if your major is molecular bio for LS

This was Yesterday at 19:27 pm

for the people that liked the message, are you guys in state or oos for MCB?

@fingerscrossed24 Yes there is aos for India. His name is Cameron Sadafi


I am OOS for MCB