**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

anyone know about how big the first wave was

Thanks a lot for the info. How can I contact him?

Today is the deadline for the first wave to commit right? What are the current amount of fpf and ge spots left?

Pathway slots: 322/71. Actually, now 321 as I just accepted admission. But if you send positive energy my way to get off Stanfordā€™s waitlist Iā€™d be thrilled to offer you my spot at Berkeley!

wow, that reduced a lot more than I expected. hopefully, thereā€™s still around 350 spots left by the end of today

I got off of the UCLA waitlist today. Still hoping for UCB!

dang so after these 350-400 spots, its basically over and thereā€™s no more chance for us to get off? Dang everyone predicted for them to go so much deeper into the waitlists :confused:

Does anyone have an idea/speculation of how big the first wave was?

GE has barely moved at all i hope they turn those spots into more useful ones

I am actually scared for this next wave. Itā€™s either this wave or bust realistically speaking

Hi! Did you apply to CS through college of engineering or Letters and Science? @rushbro7725

does anyone know if the first wave this year was relatively big or small compared to last years or just in general? I am trying not to build false hope like I did before this first wave

So are we sure that theres nothing coming out tomorrow?

My portal is saying that too @6randon

like this message, if your major is cs for LS

@arac31y I applied for the pre-business in L & S iā€™m prolly gonna do econ. So does anyone know how big that first wave was??

@6randon @WeCanDOthis32 I believe the opt in date issue was discussed right before the first wave. Someone was worried about the same issue. I donā€™t know if they got off the waitlist or not, but someone reassured them that itā€™s no big deal, and that it most likely has to do with you looking at your opt-in response after the 15th of April. If you submitted before the 15th, you are fine.

will the 2nd wave favor OOS or IS?

I hope IS buts its probably gonna be OOS :frowning:

wait who said that theres no wave tmrw and that its gonna be early next week?