**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I hope this next wave is a mix of oos and IS. from a biased perspective, mostly oos lol but ig hope for the best

the dude with insider info. there wont be a wave until monday or tuesday

@jaffa1 has inside connections and confirmed that the next wave won’t be until Monday or Tuesday.

thank you for that! I feel better about it now

Did anyone with pretty bad first semester grades get off the waitlist? I feel like thats the reason im not gonna get off

im so stressed for no reason

remaining count for FPF and GE if possible?

It’s now past their deadline- so i doubt they have access to the number anymore

Does anyone know how to contact our AOS? (Cameron Sadafi to be specific). Please help!

@fingerscrossed24 you have to fill out this form to contact an admissions officer

@gamingftw453 my son did not get all A’s the first semester and got in off the WL. In fact, his gpa and scores are not top tier for UCB standards. His strengths are for sure his essays and ECs. And his WL essay was also probably different than most. I don’t know what “got him in”, but he did make an effort to make himself stand out.

I had 3Bs and 2 As ugh would i still have a chance or nah?

I had all As but didn’t get in. If you’re on the waitlist, you’re not ranked. They accept purely based on institutional needs, or so they say.

yea this whole process is just based on luck.

Hi! I saw that this was mentioned in the past but I didn’t see any clear answers. Did anyone here email your ao or plan to email your ao? And would it look bad if we did email our ao?

@ILikeDogs1234 @kash123 I don’t believe the process is totally random. i DO think there is the consideration of department needs, however. But at this stage, there has got to be some kind of algorithm at work, which points to which students are most likely to accept offers and succeed at UCB. Be it, what area or school they are from, demographic, and gauging of interest from the WL essay. It is a tricky balance for UCB. They want to fill the class, but not at the expense of the acceptance/enrollment rates and ratios, etc. (I’m not a statistician.)
It is too bad that there can’t be interviews at this point, or something to really convey where students stand right now vs. a month ago.

I agree it can not just be luck to get in off the waitlist - if it was - why would they even bother to have you write/submit and essay and ask for 1st semester grades - wouldn’t it just be an opt in button and “you’re in the drawing”. Just my feeling there is more to it than luck - although not feeling too optimistic for my son’s chances in EECS.

past week no glitch at all :<

Is there a chance that even with the waitlist opportunity I have no chance? My grades and SAT are not normal for Berkeley, and I am almost my ECs and maybe Essays were my determining factor for the waitlist. But could they have put me on the waitlist but would have never accepted me anyway due to grades or SAT or something?

Has anyone gotten the double FAQ glitch ?? I haven’t gotten anything besides the address glitch, which is know is irrelevant. I think people got the FAQ glitch on Wednesday of last week, so 3 days before decisions were released. Or was it Tuesday? I can’t remember. But if the same glitch happens again, and decisions are coming out either Monday or Tuesday, I would assume that some of us would be getting it soon!