**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I haven’t had any glitches at all which genuinely worries me. What if its a sign that they haven’t even looked at my app yet or not even considering it. I am probably just overthinking it but still concerned.

@kash123 i feel you. i haven’t noticed any glitches at all either. i really hope glitches don’t have a correlation to them looking over our apps

Hey guys I have a question, is anybody going to cancel some of their AP tests? I’m an international student and taking APs at 4.am straight had been too much for me I don’t think I can handle more for my health, and I’m thinking about canceling two out of the five tests. Is that going to have a negative impact on waitlist admission? And to be optimistic if I get off from the waitlist, is it possible they are going to take rescind the offer?

@kash123 I’ve had no glitches either and I feel the same way.

is UCB admissions open tomorrow. I would assume they would decide who gets in this weekend.

I would expect that they would release their notifications on Tuesday. Monday would be one business day earlier than what they did last year, and they have really been sticking to last year’s protocol. One thing they haven’t been is early at any of this stuff.

Didnt ucla recieve waves on the weekend? Any chance ucb might do the same?

UCB is UCB, not UCLA.

@yczhou777 you tell em bruh

just went on blockeley and im simping for berkeley so hard please let me in

I tried finding his email… Couldn’t find it on LinkedIn. Can you help me out here?

@fingerscrossed24 - try this link:

You need to submit a contact inquiry form thing or call their office with the number. Honestly, contacting your AO won’t really do much especially right now as decisions are probably close to being made. I contacted mine a few days ago and I got a reply saying that they are not in charge of making WL decisions but will advocate for me when or if possible. While it is nice and positive to hear, I know that it won’t really make a difference in whether I get off the WL.

@kash123 would you mind sharing what you asked your AO

I didn’t ask anything specific. I emailed him to tell him that I am still very interested and that UCB was my dream school. I made sure to say a few things about why it would be a good fit for what I would want to study but honestly don’t stress about it too much if you plan to email. I don’t think it affects decisions

I was reading through the c/o 22 WL thread, and one person said that sometime before decisions, everyone who got in didnt have the download pdf button on both their decision letter and their decision faq.


Cal really do be playing hard to get. UCLA just released another wave ffs

damn maybe UCB got enough people and that is why they are not releasing that many waves

How did you find your AO’s email?

Hi! Thanks for the info. However, I had already submitted an enquiry form 8-9 days back and still haven’t got any response :frowning:

ugh why couldn’t i just be wait listed for ucla instead