**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@fluffycloud9: What major did you apply in the College of Chemistry and what major did you actually want?

You can email admissions and let them know you made a mistake but it is probably useless since this should have been addressed before decisions came out and the deadline was January 31, 2020 to change your application major.

@Gumbymom I applied to be a chemistry major; however, I realized that I would like to pursue a BA rather than a BS in chemistry since I would like to go into the medical field. Would you recommend just sticking with it because it is too late to change my application major anyway?

Question on pathways (because there haven’t been enough of those): My son selected the Global edge London, but he is too young by the cut off date to be eligible to do it. Should he go in deselect the option now, or should he just leave it alone? I just have this anxious feeling about messing with the completed opt-in form. Thanks.

@fluffycloud9: If accepted off the waitlist, you should be able to change your major to the College of L&S after you matriculate and attend Freshman orientation. When you meet with your academic advisor, you can plan out the change of major.

Hey, I decided not to submit my grades and just an essay. I felt like my grades weren’t the best and it wouldn’t benefit me in any way by sending them.

@Cupcakes833 I wouldn’t worry about not submitting grades. I did not submit them either because it lowered by GPA a little.

@hopefulacademic @collegeappacc - I marked the FPF program just cuz I am willing to go to Berkeley no matter what unless it just ends up being really expensive if I get in. Plus FPF is only one semester and you can switch to normal schedules after that.

Anyone still able to edit their waitlists? I just checked and it was letting me update it but I didnt update anything

Schools have a very tricky timing issue right now. If they make an announcement that the entire Fall semester will be online learning, then you’d have to imagine that tons of students would bail out. If they wait until midsummer to make the announcement, when money becomes non-refundable, then there’d be an uproar. As far as UCs are concerned, I think there is a responsibility from the state to give us an update on this ASAP. Obviously there is still so much unknown, but right now, are you willing to cram into a triple room in a dorm stuffed with students, then go to a 1,000 person lecture hall that is standing room only? There is not going to be a discount on tuition.

@scrambo I agree 100%. It seems like the only public figure providing good honest information is Andrew Cuomo. Wish we had more straight info in CA - from Newsom and from the UC system.

hey can everybody post their stats so we can get a sense of who was waitlisted

@Gumbymom This might not be relevant, but I just realized that they requested LOR from me during December and it was due January. Is it too late to do anything?

Here is some video from UC President Janet Napolitano from TODAY, talking about what the campuses will look like in the Fall. Online learning almost certainly in play. Double and triple dorm rooms unlikely. Outlook is a very different, non-traditional semester, maybe even entire year. My guess is that you’ll be at home for much of the year.


@wiwe908: LOR’s are optional so you are not required to submit them. At this point it is too late to do anything about it since the deadline has passed and LOR’s are not part of the waitlist process.

@scrambro, if that wasn’t an advertisement for my D to go elsewhere, like in state UW comp sci, I don’t know what is!

So, it seems like there will be housing shortages in college towns , not just at Berkeley. I think it would’ve been smart for the UCs to each admit a larger proportion of local students so that they can live at home and still be on campus while social distancing.

@scambro Thank You for sharing that! It’s unfathomable to think about paying even CA in-state college tuition for a virtual at-home experience, and paying the cost of private college tuition to be at home is even worse! Maybe all colleges should be marketing a lower price to MORE students to meet their budgets (if all students are staying home)! Wonder if colleges are holding off on revealing likely fall plans until after May 1 when they have their enrollment deposits secured??

@WCWSM52 @WesttoEast also in her talk, Naplolitano said that there would be no refunds of tuition. That’s obviously a little further along in the process, but by the time you are making tuition payments, you would’ve turned down all other options. If that announcement is made in July or later, there would not be any turning back for a less expensive/local choice. I think it’s 100% that there will be SOME online learning. 50% that it will go the entire Fall semester. And the housing shortage point made by @Sisternight is spot on in a town like Berkeley.

do you guys think submitting the waitlist form as early as possible helps in some way to get off the waitlist? I personally don’t think so but I was just wondering if it happens to play some role.

@kash123 I don’t really think it matters when you submit the form. As long as it is, before the deadline! I’m pretty sure they dp not touch the waitlist forms until after the deadline.