**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

since there is no deadline to decide between fpf or GE there may be fewer spots left than the last time we saw. Honestly, chances are looking kinda slim for the second wave now considering this. And I really want to know how UCB pulled it off if they supposedly were under-enrolled and had lost a lot of revenue money.

We have to wait and see.

@Rarecreature101 Maybe those people accepted but for fall2021. UCB will hold their spots so as not to be overcrowded next year in terms of dorms, etc. That way they maintain the balance of international students

Do you mean that Berkeley will overenroll next year?

i agree with @kash123 it doesnā€™t make sense that every other uc is going deep into their waitlists and Berkeley is using the WL less before. Iā€™m curious how theyā€™re making it work as well

Does anyone see two test dates underneath their SAT ACT score checklist? Mine before only had one thing saying official now it says another test score thatā€™s self reported. Iā€™m pretty sure I had that before decisions were released on 3/26. Idk if this means anything just wondering if anyone else has another test score.

@rushbro7725 - yea I have that too but that probably doesnā€™t mean anything. Iā€™m sure everyone has that

Wait @kash123 @rushbro7725 what?
I donā€™t think I have that. Can you guys screenshot what it looks like or just copy paste it or smth?

@collegeappacc - its in the portal. scroll down to the application checklist which is like the box in the bottom that shows the status of your application and you sat/act as received. In that box for SAT/ACT, there are two scores one that is official that was sent through college board and then another one that says self-reported. I donā€™t think it really means anything tho. Some people probably did not send in official reports and probably just self-reported so in that case, they wonā€™t have two reports.

@kash123 This is all I have in that box:

SAT or ACT Score*
Test Date: 09/2019 (official)

And I did self report it and send an official score. Was your portal always like that or did it just change?

No offense but you guys reach so hard, itā€™s surprising you havenā€™t popped a joint yet.

lol this has no correlation donā€™t stress about it.

@Rarecreature101 Yes. They have offered spots to international students who have accepted them with the hope that they will be able to attend. Maybe some of them were offered spots for next year and they accepted those (Uchicago uses this tactic). If they cant get here for fall 2020, they will come next year. That way, the school maintains its percentages.Or they will start this year online and come next year. I dont think internationals who were accepted are going to give up their spots unless they have a better school. Get a spot at a top American school is worth a lot

The consensus on this thread seems to be that the only remaining spots left to be filled are FPF and GE. Iā€™m not convinced that that is the case. Even if the traditional pathway was filled during RA, and not offered to anyone from UCBā€™s 1st WL wave, I believe that some traditional pathway spots will still open up. Itā€™s clear that UCLA is going deeper into their wait list than ever before. I believe that some UCB RA traditional pathway kids will vacate those spots after getting off the UCLA WLā€“and that should open UCB traditional pathway spots. I think the numbers cited by @scrambro sound about right, although Iā€™d guess that the remaining number of offers to go out will be slightly higher.

@jaffa1 any confirmation if itā€™s going to be tomorrow or the day after?

I donā€™t know who this will help, but I feel that it could help somebody.

I was admitted off of the waitlist in the first wave for Nutritional Sciences (CNR) and offered and accepted the traditional pathway. As for the stupid glitch stuff, I never had the 4 address one, but I did have the faulty ā€œ404 Errorā€ FAQ link appear a few days before, as several others did.

I just read the last several pages and saw some of you guys discussing how heavily the likelihood of oneā€™s acceptance may lie on their GPA and SAT/ACT scores. To put it into perspective, I went into the Spring semester with a 4.0W GPA, and got a 1260 (620 Math, 640 English) on the SAT.

While these are not great by any means (especially the SAT), I had a very tragic event happen in my life that occurred during my sophomore and junior years, which was when I was taking the SAT and when my grades plummeted. I firmly believe that my ability to overcome thatā€”which I discussed in great length in my essaysā€” was why I was eventually admitted over other much more statistically-promising candidates. Something else worth noting is that Berkeley states that they regard a positive trend in grades going into graduation very highly in terms of oneā€™s candidacy for admission. I went from a 3.5W GPA my sophomore year to back-to-back 4.33W GPAā€™s the next two semesters, so they definitely liked seeing that.

All of this supports one userā€™s claim that Berkeley is truly holistic in their admissions process, which is absolutely right; theyā€™re notorious for it. They value resilience and determinationā€”something that everybody here has displayed in great lengthā€” over somebodyā€™s ability to hire an expensive SAT tutor or pay tuition for a grade-inflated private school. My point is, donā€™t fret if your grades arenā€™t the best, as you being here says that the Admissions Committee sees something in you. Everybody has an equal chance as far as their candidacy goes, it sadly just depends on your major or schoolā€™s available openings.

Good luck to all, and Go Bears!


Is it possible that UCB is looking to fill FPF first, in order to ensure that FPF gets filled and/or will keep funneling spots into FPF, in order to increase their revenue. UCBā€™s yield was undoubtedly lower, and they have said they donā€™t know how many kids will show up in the fall. FPF does increase their revenue as well, so thereā€™s that.

I think we made the assumption that traditional path was closed bc @scrambroā€™s inside connection said that all the traditional spots have been filled by studying abroad students having to return to campus.

@collegeappacc I think this is a very realistic assumption. As an outsider, it appears that UCB is treating this as ā€œbusiness as usualā€. (Which is also why I think we will see wave 2 on Tuesday NOT Monday). But we have heard hints from them earlier that enrollment is a big question mark. I may have to back off slightly from my prediction made a few weeks ago, but I still believe that anyone who is still on the WL has an excellent chance of hearing some good news.

@ethankd1 but how does that affect freshman spots?