**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Does anybody have the FAQ glitch that admitted students got during the first wave?? My portal still looks normal which is making me nervous. But then again, I don’t remember anyone mentioning this exact FAQ glitch on last year’s thread, so maybe it was just a one-time thing…The only glitch that has been a consistent sign of acceptance for multiple years is the disappearance of the yellow box along with the FAQ change on the day that decisions are released. The double FAQ glitch seems new. Praying that all of us get good news tomorrow/Tuesday!!!

@GA2001 Congrats!! That you were offered a traditional pathway, off the WL, bodes well for those waiting on the 2nd & 3rd waves. I don’t have any further information (as to whether the 2nd wave will be Mon or Tue) or how many spots exist that they have to fill. I continue to believe, however, that a significant number of offers (in the range of 1000) are forthcoming.

@eeee2618 we have no idea.

I don’t think its going to be 1000. The 2nd wave has always been less than the first.

@jaffa1 I really hope you’re right, but what makes you think in the thousands? that’s huge!

After WL attrition to other schools, plus expected summer melt, my guess is that there are 350ish FPF/GE + 250ish traditional spots that they need to fill. Assuming a 60% WL yield (which I think is higher than it actually will be) 1000 more offers will go out. If the yield is the same as their RA (44%) then (assuming 600 spots remain to be filled) 1360 offers still need to be made. This year is different than last year–there are more spots remaining to be filled than at this time last year. In fact, they already know that there will be a 3rd wave–they’re just trying to understand WL yield, amidst the uncertainty, during the 1st & 2nd waves. Hang tight!!!

@jaffal Thanks so much for the words of encouragement and info! That sounds good and is definitely a morale booster :slight_smile:

My understanding is that waitlists don’t account for yield. They offer all of their spots in the first wave and then the following waves are used to secure the remaining spots, thus eliminating the need to account for yield. Why else would they have multiple waves?

R we sure that they aren’t just offering the FPF and GE pathways first just to make sure that they have filled those pathways first and won’t offer traditional pathways after they know that they have enough for FPF and GE.

@rushbro7725 we literally aren’t sure of that – they could very very well be doing that lol

@jaffa1 I think that some of the numbers could honestly be higher than that, especially the summer melt/WL attrition.

I believe they are trying to fill FPF first, to make sure they have that covered, and then will go into the traditional seats.

This doesn’t make sense. Why would they be trying to fill up fpf and GE for the first wave? It should be the other way around. I always thought FPF and GE are like last resorts to admission.

yeah wouldn’t doing fpf first screw over the people in the first wave? Normally theyd be the ones to get to choose first

Fpf and ge does make more money than traditional pathway …

Man Ive never been this stressed before. I just want to skip to Tuesday and hear some good news ugh.

Isnt FPF/GE just an additional 2k more than traditional?

@ethankd1 Because they have to make a balanced class. If they have, say, 1500 overall spots that need to be filled after May 1, they don’t send 1500 WL offers in the 1st wave–that would generate an unbalanced class. This year, because of the uncertainty, they decided early on that they were going to do 3 waves–they wanted to take a methodical approach and analyze the yield from the 1st two waves.

We know that UCLA (and other UCs) have gone far deeper into their wait lists than usual. We know that international yield at UCB was waaay down this year. There’s every reason to believe that UCB will go as deep into the WL as the other UCs.

there is a reason the people that got off in the first wave got off. There is no way they would screw them over by giving them only fpf and GE to choose from rather than filling up their traditional spots if they had any. We should honestly just wait till tomorrow or Tuesday and end this speculation altogether. Don’t build up false hope for this wave is all I can say. I made the mistake of listening to all these speculations and predictions and was very disappointed when I realized that I didn’t get in the first wave and Im sure many of you also felt the same way.

Does anyone know how much the date the waitlist form was submitted affects chances of admissions? I submitted mine on April 13th and am afraid that submitting so close to the deadline shows less interest even though i mentioned Berkeley was my dream school in the optional essay.

I submitted mine on March 29th because in my head I was like “if I submit it early it shows that I am very interested” but honestly UCB doesn’t care. I don’t think the date has anything to do with or else I would have expected my self to get in off the first wave lol

Wait so theres going to be a third wave of acceptances as well?