**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@gamingftw453 yes. now I just wonder if those waves will have OOS or IS preference, or if it will just be a mix

Thanks for the clarification @jaffa1

Hopefully its a mix of IS and OOS and not just OOS

So Internationals are probably done rn. no chance of getting off second wave

why would you say that? i though second wave is mostly internationals and oos :’(

yall gotta chill with the definitive “no chance” and “done” phrases like that. no one knows for sure what’s going on. just two more days guys. watch some netflix. sleep. eat some ice cream. watch the video of post malone singing tongue tied. everyone just calm down for now! we’ll stress about this in 2 days:)

im pretty sure second wave is mostly oos and international . Its over for IS like me lol

I think it’s just going to be a mix of everyone. Clearly they sent out a representative mix of their student body the first wave, we need to fill up those spots, so it really depends on who accepted their offer from the first wave, but it should be the same.

So you think its still going to be mostly IS?

I think more intl/oos are getting in this wave. Most ppl that got in wave 1 were IS

As an in-state applicant I sure hope that there’s a fair share of us that get off this next wave. However I’m truly pulling for every one of us

it’s probably going to be a mix, people need to stop acting like they know it’s going to be one over another

I’m pretty sure nobody really knows but is it more likely that results will come out tomorrow or the day after?

I hope tomorrow but people are saying tuesday is more likely.

Lads I keep seeing people talk about all the other schools but nothing related to COE. Is it common for UCB to takes students off the waitlist for COE or is it really rare and I should just not hope much. - I am an international

I know and it’s making me even more anxious !!

Y’all ready!!!

@gamingftw453 don’t get your hopes up. We’ve been bamboozled so many times. Once bitten, twice shy comes to mind.

Isn’t it coming tomorrow?

It’s either today or tomorrow, but nobody knows for sure.