**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@nkaoetn381 Do you mean overall or in the next wave? Im assuming overall, cause 600 IS seems like a dream come true

@scrambro @jaffa1 is there any way you guys could find out if the wave is gonna be today or tomorrow? It’s past midnight for me and I just wanna know if there’s any point in holding out for three more hours.

I think it might just be next wave, IF they’re deciding to release whatever is needed next wave. Just because if about half the spots were filled last wave, then they need to release the same amount. Assuming that they continue to release waves representative of their student body, and that they release the same amount it should be those numbers

@NovakStorm I think that’s how many people will get off the waitlist if 800 people are admitted in the next wave. Same goes for if 800 people are admitted overall.

tbh its probably gonna be tomorrow unfortunately :frowning:

@nkaoetn381 wait so what about Intl students?

I included int’l students in the count for OOS

As an OOS applicant, I don’t think the numbers bode well for me haha

Wait so then how come people have always been saying that the second wave would be mostly oos/intl. Man if its really 75% IS that would so great :slight_smile:

People have been saying that because for some reason people think the first wave was mainly IS, when it was just representative of the student body

however one thing to note that we didn’t include in calculations is that IS have a much higher yield than oos and intl, meaning that if they’re filling up those spots to be representative OOS and INTL will be higher

anyone get the glitch?

any glitches?

Nothing yet :frowning:

so does this mean that its gonna be tomorrow or is there still a chance for today?

I think it’s coming out tomorrow y’all

wasn’t there supposed to some kind of faq glitch already if decisions are coming out tomorrow?

I think the double faq glitch might’ve been a one time thing bc it didn’t happen in previous yrs

Whatever happens, if decisions are dropping today they will be out in 15 minutes. If they’re not there, come back tomorrow. It eez what it eez

Wait, what glitch was supposed to happen 2 days ago. I thought the only glitches that were mentioned recently were the address glitch, and the official vs self report glitch.

I talked to some accepted students like 2-3 of them from my school, and only one of them ever had 4 addresses, so I don’t think that glitch matters. But they all had only official scores, not the self reported ones, they were deleted. Idk to what degree that matters/means anything, but it makes me really nervous, since I have 1 line official and 1 line self reported. But this is only 2 people, so not representative of anything.

Do we know for a fact decisions come out tmrw?