**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

i still have both official and self reported scores. hope this doesn’t mean anything

Hi there, My daughter has been waitlisted in Berkeley. She got into UCLA. This is a wonderful forum and I am a late entrant in this forum. Question - Will UCB respond to all waitlisted candidates one way or the other or do they just respond to accepted candidates and no news means we didnt get through the waitlist?My daughter is all set with ucla and she is clear she doesnt want to go to Berkeley since she is in the pre-med track. But I would like to see a closure.Good luck to everyone .

Anyone else have a smudge on their screen when they look at their portal?

@luckymom2002 I think they send rejections on like June 1st if you don’t get off the waitlist

@luckymom2002 I’m just going to come out and say it: It is EXTREMELY selfish of you to keep your daughter on the waitlist for “closure”. If she has made it clear that she is not interested in going to Berkeley, it is basic courtesy to remove yourself from the waitlist. There are so many people here who would kill for a chance to go to Berkeley and it doesn’t help that you’re staying on it for kicks.

What is this score glitch?
My portal looks like
SAT or ACT Score*
Test Date: 10/2018 (official)
Test Date: 12/2018 (official)
Test Date: 06/2019 (official)
Test Date: 10/2019 (Missing Writing Score)

i think you have the glitch

dang i have two official and one self report, doesn’t sound like good news for me

Test Date: 08/2018 (self-reported)
Test Date: 08/2018 (official)
This is NOT the glitch, right?

I think you dont have the glitch. Hopefully this doesn’t mean anything

I guess only time will tell by tomorrow if this glitch matters or not.

if the self-report shows up on the box then that is the glitch. Before it listed just official scores but now if you self reported then that showed up. For me, I have two official scores that I sent from two diff test dates and one self-report. But don’t worry abt it this doesn’t have any relevance to admission. The only glitch that matters is the faqs which no one has rn

Hello, I was accepted off the waitlist on 8th May as an international student.
I have already submitted the statement of legal residence form, and how long I have to wait before I can find the NIF task in my calcenter?

Wait a second really??? So it could mean that if we have the self report score, then there was a change in our portal and they may have looked at our app? Ik it doesn’t mean anything LOL but it definitely gives me some short term happiness.

I got an FAQ glitch on my portal that says accepting your offer of admission!!

It means nothing. I’ve had both self reported and official since before March.

don’t get your hopes up based on the sat score glitch. I don’t even think it means anything in terms if they checked our app or not. Everyone, please stop talking about it because you are only giving false hopes to people that think they have it and anxiety to people that don’t. These glitches are irrelevant unless it pertains to the faq. Hopefully, tomorrow is a good day for us all.

Today? Just now??

@harvardgrad2020 - wait you got an faq glitch?

dang does anyone else have the faq glitch? I am scared to check my portal now lol