**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I think the glitch is if self report disappears from ur portal

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alright the sat glitch doesn’t even matter but does anyone have the faq glitch

I think its cap. My portal didnt change and they usually update it the day of admissions


Yessir!!! I checked just now and the big yellow box shrunk and the bear is the only thing in the box. When I went into my decision letter i got the admission faqs.


Congratulations then. I wish you the best.

Can you share a picture ?? add to google drive and post link here?

@vickyhhhhh0906 - wait how do you know it’s cap. Only acceptance go out the second wave and if that person got the faq glitch then that means he probably got in. Not everyone’s portal changes, only the select few that are gonna get in.

@harvardgrad2020 - are you oos or IS and what major?

Please tell me that this is cap

wait I just checked and got the admission FAQ too


I’m OOS for L&S CS

so today was wave 2?

i guess lol

congrats to everyone who got in!

rip I don’t have the admission faq. I didnt know they release it this late tho?

I think tomorrow is wave 2 since I haven’t received my official letter of admission. But the FAQ glitch highly suggests that tomorrow is the day.

congrats guys! ugh idk if i can do this for another week :frowning: