**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

smh everyone was acting like the waitlist acceptance rate was gonna be like 75% this year rip gg guys

Tomorrow is the Second wave, but the third has always been absolutely tiny. Just the few leftover spots. Itā€™s over.

yea I am not even counting on the third wave if it is even is a wave at that point lol. Super disappointed about this tho

@jaffa1 @jkolam @ayeeemathwhiz99 @harvardgrad2020 @jumpyjump who is your AO?

congrats to those who got the glitch ig, but iā€™m still rooting for those without the glitch to get in tmrw too letā€™s not try to lose hope yet!!!

Marcia Breslin-Cantillana
(Iā€™m from South America)

is there a possibility that some more people may receive updates tomorrow on their portals?

anyone that got in for CoE?

Not sure who my AO isā€¦ how do I check?

i honestly gave up on cal, set my sights on UCI but this is such a pleasant surprise if itā€™s real lol. and iā€™m not sure who my AO is how do you look that up?

@jumpyjump @ayeeemathwhiz99 look up your Berkeley admissions officer and it will ask for your area

My AO was Erica Quintor

why does knowing AO matter right now? They are not in charge of who gets off the WL

Same lol

just curious but anyone that got the faq glitch on the east coast? Like the NJ or Pennsylvania area. The AO for these places is Jua Howard

Aight everyone, Iā€™m leaving this forum. Iā€™m gonna go be happy about Carnegie and stop being so held up on Cal. Rip the dream, but itā€™s been fun.


So is tomorrow still a continuation of the second wave? Iā€™m OOS and still hoping to get inā€¦ I really thought our odds were better.

bruh why cal gotta ignore the south tho? i havenā€™t heard anyone getting in from like alabama or georgia :((((

@eeee2618 - official letter of acceptances havenā€™t been sent out. these are just glitches in the portals. tomorrow is the 2nd wave but it is unlikely we r gonna get in tbh if we didnā€™t get the glitch today

i feel you @MathBoy20, im done. berkeley sux, all my homies hate berkeley