**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

can’t believe I was really out here thinking I had a shot to get in lol. I was def waitlisted on accident

Guess I’m a homie too then. Screw Berkeley.

where can find your AO name? in the calcenter?

@ILikeDogs1234 Lets gooo! where u goin to school

Is there still hope for tomorrow if we didnt get the faq glitch yet or is it over?

i personally wouldn’t keep hope. I didn’t get a glitch so I’m assuming I’m not getting in. it’s better to preserve your sanity if you ask me

Glitch OOS L&S

lowkey wish i would get the rejection already. i just want closure at this point. it would help me fully move on.

@gamingftw453 - i would give ourselves a very slim chance tbh. I am just gonna move on from Cal. Pre-med isn’t worth it there anyways

So no one has received an email yet? Last time the emails and official letters came out about 2 hours after the FAQ glitch. Although since it’s past biz hours, maybe it won’t come out until tomorrow.

anyone from arizona get in?

@corioliseffect what was your major?

simping for berkeley hard rn. no glitch oos l&s crossing my fingers for tomorrow or to be one of the few in the final wave

reject gang, open ur eyes, we were all just blessed by not having the inescapable allure of prestige force us to spend the next four years suffering with a 2.7 college gpa at berkeley. berkeley sux, all my homies hate berkeley.


read that

is anyone opting out after this? i’m considering it

that’s a bit harsh :frowning:

Just to let you all know that I didn’t have the FAQ glitch even though I hundred percent thought it meant something so I stayed up until like 3 am that day thinking about it when the glitch was happening to everyone. However, I somehow still got into FPF though so please don’t think the glitch it is definitive. I was IS L&S, and Cal was my dream school just like it is for all of you. Good luck to everyone

@frackinwaitlist congrats! but don’t give me hope lol. it’ll just get dashed away later haha

Don’t do that. Don’t give me false hope pls ughghhgh

Is it possible to get glitch and not get in? It would literally crush me and I don’t want to get too excited rn