**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I’m gonna be super honest, this doesn’t seem small, it seems way bigger than last years second wave.

Remember the times we had…the times that you and me had…reminiscing about a time where you weren’t by my side ???

@xtanyax I got nothing. My contact doesn’t seem to really be on top of these glitches, and hasn’t really gotten back to me since I asked about wave 2. my own guess is that there will be SOMETHING tomorrow too, because I don’t think I saw that anyone from the SF Bay Area was accepted (different from Central Valley or Sacramento areas). I’m just assuming there may be more. I just don’t know, though. I guess I was too optimistic, if in fact, this is it. That would be disappointing

@xtanyax I dont think anyone has the right to suggest that my daughter needs to get off the waiting list. She has her put her heart and soul into getting this far and getting admissions into every single UC other than Cal where she is waitlisted. She is very happy with ucla right now because that’s the best college she got in so far. If she gets into CAL I think she will at that time decide where she wants to go. Until then, we have every right to stick to our waiting list. So, please dont give such free advices to others which you would not follow!

@luckymom2002 You said “My daughter is all set with ucla and she is clear she doesnt want to go to Berkeley since she is in the pre-med track. But I would like to see a closure.” Why change what you said all of a sudden. If I was clear about not wanting to go to Berkeley, and the only reason I stayed on the WL was for closure, I’d be one selfish person.

@luckymom2002 I took myself off of multiple waitlists that I didn’t think I would go to if accepted. What are you even trying to prove lol? You literally said that your daughter has made it clear that she would not go to Berkeley. I agree that it’s your right to stay on but that doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do.

@xtanyax also.,To us closure means whether to stick with UCLA or take Berkeley.So,please stop giving such saintly advices

@Student11223311 yeah I didn’t get in yet either, I’m hoping that our AO just hasn’t started inputting stuff yet or something

@gamingftw453 I had a FAQ glitch earlier around May 3-4. Then I got in on May 8. I remember that one international got in without glitch.

@scrambro Thanks anyway! Appreciate all your help so far!

@luckymom2002 you are changing the definition of closure because you have realized that it was in fact selfish to be on the waitlist just to see if you would get in while hundreds of kids are dying to get in.

every person who criticized you was correct.

@scrambro Lol please dont give me so much false hope. I hope your right about the bay area thing!

For the people who get offers tomorrow, please post which pathways you get offered. If many traditional pathway offers go out tomorrow, that may suggest that the number of spots remaining (to be filled in the 3rd wave) is significant.

I’m a bay area student without any glitch. Is anyone here from the bay? if so comment if u do or don’t have the glitch!

I am a Bay Area student, and I have the FAQ glitch.

To clarify for some people: the faq glitch is NOT definitive. While getting it has proven to be a sure sign of acceptance, multiple people have said they got in without having the glitch. I’m not saying this to give false hope but rather to correct some misinformation.

@norcaluser what county? i think they assign AOs based on county

I’m from the bay and i didn’t have any glitch
good luck to all the day ones on this thread, i’m really hoping cal works out for us!

we finally hit 100 more pages than last year, and we’re not even done yet, lets go!

im from the bay and have no glitch as well.