**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

International CoE here, no glitch…

Me too @chianger531 , me too.

What time are the decisions coming out? I have stressed enough and I really want to give up hope for UCB now. I am an international student and since I don’t have the faq glitch, I guess this is the end of the road for me. This has been a painful month for me and it really hurts me how all the waitings and the hopes I had were for nothing. Once again, congrats to the people who have the glitch.

I feel like the only oos that didn’t get off lol. I feel like a bunch of oos people got off by now including the first wave. it sucks cuz I don’t think I should have been waitlisted in the first place so all it did was give me false hope this whole time.

I don’t have the glitch, and it really does suck, but I’m not going to be mad at cal, we opted into the waitlist. Waitlists always have some people that don’t get accepted, in fact they always state “this does not guarantee an offer of admission”. It was our mistake to think we have a chance, we should forget about cal, withdraw if it stressed us too much ( i will withdraw) and start liv

@kash123 I’m also OOS

Any no glitches CoE applicants already committing to UIUC by any chance???

Guys I know the feeling of not having the glitch sucks so much. Earlier in this process, I got rejected from my dream school, appealed, and then got rejected again. It was so beyond disheartening, and I felt like my hard work throughout high school had gone to waste. Then, I didn’t get off the first wave at Berkeley and felt even more heartbroken. I have the glitch now, but I have been heart broken over and over again throughout this process. The one thing that I have learned is that the heartbreak passes faster than you would think when you realize that you will end up right where you’re supposed to be. I have realized that the decisions are out of our hands…We will all do amazing things because this thread has shown has passionate and dedicated we all are!!! <3

@kash123 I feel you bro they should have never put me on the waitlist in the first place. If I knew that it was going to be this depressing I would have never opted in for the waitlist.

@hotcheetos33 god bless you?? that sure does bring my heads up, really appreciate it.

Before the first wave was released, accepted students got a glitch on their portal that showed 2 FAQ glitches in their yellow box instead of 1. The glitch happened a few days before decisions were released for the first wave. Now, we are about to hear back about the second wave, and nobody reported getting that same glitch. However, during both waves, students have reported the FAQ in their yellow box disappearing and the waitlist FAQ at the bottom of their old decision letter changing to an admitted students FAQ.

@nitwittttttt I from AZ and I got off on the first wave.

ik @jaffa said that there was going to be a third wave of acceptances but is it even worth waiting another week. UCB prolly offered the rest of the spots remaining to fill their class in this second wave and odds are most of them are gonna accept leaving maybe only a few spots left if any.

I honestly have zero expectations for the third wave

like this message, if you are oos and didn’t get the faq glitch

@chianger531 I’m so glad to hear that <3 Simply being on Berkeley’s waitlist shows that you are smart and will be successful anywhere you go!!

Did any COE from Bay area got the glitch in 2nd wave?

OOS L&S with no glitch. @kash123 I feel you. This sucks, I had my hopes up way too much.