**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@Gumbymom : Hello, I am currently waitlisted for biochemistry major in UCB. I have 1410 on SAT, 18 on SAT essay. I have GPA that is 4.0 when it is weighted. In addition, I have about 9 AP scores which all ranges from 3 to 5. I took Chemistry subject test and I got 800, and I have 760 on the Math Level 2 subject test. I received 117 on Toefl exam. I am an international student. Do you think I may be accepted?

@53201448 in the end it all comes down to the yield and how many people will end up committing to the university itself. With this year’s coronavirus we have no idea how waitlists will be in play as they will accept more instate students or accept more OOS and international. I’m not sure how big a role statistics come into play anymore, but I do think the essay (if you wrote it) may be helpful to the readers. But this is all speculation as I am just a high school senior like you. No one truly knows how the admission process works but the one thing that we do know is that it all comes down to how many people commit! Hope this was helpful and if you don’t mind me asking what’s the date that you have next to your berkeley waitlist form!

@hopefulacademic my form has 04/06/2020 next to it and the Unofficial Transcript under Upload Materials has 03/29/2020 next to it. I submitted my form on 3/29 and then clicked submit again on 4/6 which is probably why the dates are different and yes I still have the ability to edit the form.

@53201448: There is no way to determine if you will be accepted. Much depends upon how many spots are available once all admitted students make their decision. All you can do is hope for the best and enroll in another school until you hear from UCB.

@homosapiens do you think they look at the original date or the most recent date, because I don’t want to get peanlized becuase I turned it on the 14th and maybe somehow accidently clicked update on the 16th even thought I don’t remember doing so.

If you submitted it on April 14 and I’m sure they’ll look at anything you submitted before the deadline. When I click edit I see a green box at the top that says Submitted 03/29/2020 which was the initial date I submitted so I assume they take whatever you submitted the first time around. I think you’ll be just fine.

Here is something to consider for the WL date:

1)@firmament2x on the UCLA site posted this a few days ago: " 
UCLA last academic year (for the 2019 cohort) outdrew Cal for cross-admits for the first time: Cal enrolled 1,527 of UCLA’s 13,720 admits or 11.1%, and UCLA enrolled 1,670 of Cal’s 14,277 admits or 11.7% of them."

2)Last year, UCLA’s 1st wave was on April 23rd, about 2 weeks earlier than when it traditionally falls, which is the same time that Cal’s does: May 7th-ish.

@firmament2x 's number are for March admit letters only and don’t include the WL, I believe, but my conclusion is this: It is conceivable that Cal may act much more quickly this year to try to better their chances of enrolling students who are on both schools waitlists. I don’t know what kind of metric that would improve for Cal, but it could count for something. These schools are neck and neck, 1-2, in national public school rankings. Just keep your eyes open.

I have it as April 18th, since they let you edit it even after you submit the form.

I heard there’s solid chance that UCLA will release wait list decisions from next week like last year. Any chance UC Berkeley might release before may?
It seems last year, UC Berkeley released wait list decisions from May 7-8th . Is first wave only for In-State Students or also OOS/International?

Two UCSB waitlist applicants have gotten off the waitlist last week (one was international and one was OOS). I wonder if UCLA and UCB could do the same (go first for full-pay students) given the economic impact of coronavirus and how tight their budgets are?

Also, I wonder if all schools will try to get committed students earlier than usual because of all the news and mounting speculation that fall semester could very well be virtual learning again? If they can get students to commit and pay deposits before it gets confirmed that their program will be online, they will do better with enrollment numbers. Every day that I have searched that topic, more and more articles come up about schools seeing virtual learning as a strong possibility at least until January 2021 :frowning:

I assume the first waves especially if they’re before May 1 would be all OOS/International since they probably want to pull in any full tuition while they can. I wonder if the potential for a first semester completely online will affect the yield of most wait list students especially given the high tuition.

Also, do you think they’ll use the same approach with in-state students where they prioritize full-paying in-state students first opposed to those who are requesting FA? It’s interesting to see how this will all pan out after all this speculation!

Honestly, the COVID Crisis could kill international enrollment numbers, but across CC and reddit, I’ve still seen a lot of international students planning on committing to a US College. From the small data point of those I know, it doesn’t honestly seem as though the crisis is killing OOS numbers or discouraging people from going OOS. I could be wrong, but even in the groups I’m in for other publics, a lot of OOS students are seemingly still planning to travel for college.

I believe that these colleges are less trying to admit OOS/Int for quotas, but rather trying to admit more OOS/Int for the money and full 65 thousand dollar tuition they pay. UC Berkeley just lost $200 Million last month alone. It makes sense

how did they lose $200 mil???

@chianger531 I believe the $200M is the overall projected impact of the pandemic, if it stretches into the fall, and there is a massive shortfall of revenue, like lack housing payments for a semester etc. I sincerely hope they haven’t already lost that amount of money.

@cjd114 UCB has about a 30% OOS/Intl quota. I don’t think they will hit it this year, given that the fall is almost certainly going to be all online learning. I’d say if you are on the WL and OOS, you will get an offer.

Yeah, that’s a good point, and UC Berkeley typically takes both in state and OOS students from the waitlist. I think there’ll be a huge increase in the OOS students they take, and probably a similar amount of in state students, or maybe a little more if they don’t hit the 30% OOS/Int’l quota. Although, from my school and friends from other schools, it does seem as though UCB in state admits were less than last year (25-30 students less for sure, especially at my in state school) Not sure if this happened w anyone else but I also know of 1-2 other similar schools.

@collegeappacc - same at our CA high school - many fewer admits than previous years, also fewer to UCLA.

Anyone else?

Is there any chance for a pre-May wave of admissions? Spectating from the comments it seems like it will be smarter for UCB to let more people pay their deposit before May 1st.