**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

So anyone who was going to be admitted in this second wave basically already knows right? Like if you didn’t hear back already probably means you weren’t admitted?

Can anyone say how to get a hold of anyone in admissions? I need an answer to an important question and I send a contact for 15 days ago, still no response, it’s actually quite ridiculous.

Yeah if you didn’t get the email saying that your portal was updated by now, it is probably over for the 2nd wave. I didn’t get that email as well and I feel sick from thinking how I will have to wait for a 3rd wave (if there is)

Why isn’t CoC releasing spots… ?

Guys nevermind there are only fpf and global edge left

I’m in-state L&S and only have fpf and global edge left. fpf has around 138 spots left at the time that I am checking.

Well on the bright side all my fellow engineering applicants are already smart enough to be on the CoE waitlist, so I’m sure we are all gonna end up doing great things! Huge congrats to those who got in today! You guys deserved it!

I am so sad I feel like this is the end for me since I didn’t get off in the second wave. Third wave doesn’t seem like anything too big so.

@scambro If you find out the San Francisco info please pass it along! I’m stuck in your same problem.

I should’ve tried to get a lower sat, maybe I would’ve got in

…i literally feel worthless rn…i had my hopes up so much for this wave :((( why am i not good enough for cal…

Me too buddy [virtual hug] feels really sad when I checked my portal for nothing : C

@SwaggyZ - how would getting a lower sat help lol? I am as disappointed as everyone else here that didn’t hear back. It really does suck the way Cal has been handling these things making us wait a whole week to release these waves. It is officially time to move on and accept reality. In my opinion, I don’t think a 3rd wave will even exist since there are very few spots left.

@SwaggyZ lmao i feel you. I see all these 1200s and 1300s getting in i shoulda done that too. sad bois

God, I feel that. I’m happy for those people but like 34 act and 4.45 gpa and it has failed me. I just want that rejection letter at this point.

that’s really unfair to say, i had a 1560 SAT and a 4.2 UC capped and got in this wave. sometimes qualified people get waitlisted, don’t generalize

@Senllri LITERALLY EXACTLY ME TOO. I COULDNT AGREE MORE. I wish i could contact them and ask what they didn’t like about my application tbh. 34 ACT, 4.6 Weighted gpa, great resume and good essays. I thought this would be good enough to get off the waitlist of a school that desperately needed to enroll. Nonetheless, happy for everyone don’t get me wrong. Just really down rn

I wish the UCs super scored. For me, It may have made a difference from 1460 to 1520 which would probably be more assuring. But again SATs aren’t the only reason why people get off the Waitlist so it is unfair to base it just off of that. There are many other factors.

Eh, same. 4.8 weighted, 3.99 unweighted, 36, 1570, multiple national awards…

Guess I shouldn’t have done my UC essays in 1 day lmao

@jumpyjump I can’t speak for others, but I’m not trying to overlook qualified people who got waitlisted then got in this wave. I don’t doubt that plenty of qualified people didn’t get in until later or didn’t at all. But like, Cal is a high ranking school that’s reaalllyyy competitive and it just feels like people who are “beneath Berkeley’s average” got in. I’m sure that there was a reason they were pulled and no doubt that some people in that category had things happen in life leading to this year, but it just feels unfair because from a cold number’s perspective, my stats made me the better candidate and I really wanted to get into Cal.